Where can I find examples of personal and provider letters to Insurance Co?

Does anyone know how to go about putting together a personal statement as to why I want to have weight-loss surgery. I feel I have so much to say, but no real organization of my thoughts. Secondly, I would like to get an idea of what insurance companies want to hear from your PCM or surgeon. I am 5'6", 285# with a BMI of 46. I have documented comorbidities, but few documented examples of other weightloss efforts. What are my chances?    — Danyelle K. (posted on November 6, 2003)

November 6, 2003
I would be glad to send you a copy of my own letter to my insurance co. and the one my PCP wrote for me. Just e-mail me your mailing address and I will get it in the mail the same day. Rita
   — Rita V.

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