Has anyone out there lost 300 lbs or so?

Is it possible? I would like to know and what you had to do.How long? Any other special surgeries? I know exercise and eat right. I will have my RNY on May 6th. I'm 6'3" 530 lbs, would like to see a 300 lb loss. I have an appointment with surgeon on May 2nd. Anything special I need to ask him?    — Jim J. (posted on April 25, 2003)

April 25, 2003
Lissa Reed, who is the Director of Member Services at the site, has lost over 400 pounds. This is the url to her profile. She has an amazing story.
   — garw

April 25, 2003
I have not, but a coupla people in our support group have. One guy lost 385, and a woman lost 333 and is sitll losing. Pretty exciting, huh?
   — vitalady

April 25, 2003
I saw my doctor yesterday. I am still pre-op. She said something to me that kind of made me feel a little uneasy. She told me because I have a BMI of 60 it will be a lot harder for me to loose weight. She said that I could get my BMI down to 40 within 12 months after surgery. But after that I may not loose anymore. She said I will never be skinny, and I probably will not get down to my goal weight of 135 lbs. I felt like she was be judgemental. She is a wonderful doctor and I am sure she was just wanting to be honest with me. But I am more determined then ever to loose at least 200 lbs. after surgery! Good luck. I am sure you will do just fine!
   — Maria S

April 25, 2003
Hi Jim, congratulations on your upcoming surgery! One thing you may want to ask your surgeon is how much he will be bypassing in your case. I had my Distal RNY done 3.5 months ago and have lost 100 lbs so far, as of my last doctor's appointment 2 weeks ago. My surgeon bypassed 200cm of small intestine based on my BMI at the time of surgery (81). The more bypassed, the greater the malabsorption, which is done especially for the super-morbidly obese. Take care and good luck!!<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -100lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

April 25, 2003
I think that it depends on how hard you want to work to get there. For those with determination and dedication to follow the pouch rules even after the 12-18 month window of opportunity narrows, there is no reason why you could not do it. You may have to adjust your final goal weight though. Some very obese people set a very unrealistic goal weight and then are disappointed when they don't come close. Rather than settle on a goal weight, look to a clothing size to settle at...
   — Cindy R.

April 25, 2003
Hi, I started out at 410. Had my rny on January 11 2002. So I am 15 months out. I had lost so far 209 . I have every intention of hitting my goal of 150 lbs ( I have 51 to go ) At one point you will have to work really hard to reach your goal, but if you want it bad enough it will happen. Never give up, never surrender. Best of luck
   — domestic G.

April 25, 2003
I would like to add that at my highest, I was 408 lbs. (BMI of 63) I am now 12 months post op and down about 160-70 lbs depending on the scale! While my weight loss has slowed significantly, it's partly due to how I'm using my tool. I'm not eating how I should and I don't exercise as much as I should. I take water aerobics 2x per week and walk about 2-3 miles 3-4x per week--I can do more! I've been suffering from the 12 month blues--eating chocolate, carbs,'s normal but it's time to get back to the basics! In answer to your question, yes, it can be done with the ultimate lifestyle changes! I'm just in a funk but I'll get over it! This isn't the easy way out--you will have to work very hard to achieve your goal but you CAN do it!!!!!
   — jenn2002

April 25, 2003
We have a guy who is a member of AMOS and he lost over 600 lbs, he was also on the Oprah show, that is Pete Herida, you should take a look at his profile, he is a real great guy. Hope this helps
   — cindy

April 25, 2003
The last poster is right Pete Herida started out at 803 pounds with a BMI of 112 he now weighs around 150. Actually I had lunch with him yesterday. He lost over 500 just in the first 10 months. His website is The before and after pictures are amazing. He especially likes the one with him and two models in his old pants.
   — Linda A.

April 25, 2003
Wow, Pete lost another 100 lbs.? Incredible. His last weight on his website is 243. Maybe I didn't see the most recent update. What a remarkable guy he is.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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