What will help move your bowels besides a bomb?

I have been having an awful time with my bowel movements. When I first came home from the hospital I had gas and my bowels moved great. Now I can't get them to move. The doctor suggest M O M and I have taken 4 does of it and it hasn't moved them at all. I even had a fleets and it didn't help. Please help me. Tell me something that I can do. I read maybe prune juice. Do you think that will help? I am really concerned it could be a bowel obstruction.    — Lana Rush (posted on December 13, 2002)

December 13, 2002
Yes prune juice should work. when my son got to where he couldnt go. They told me to give him prune juice. Try and see. I dont think it taste great though.Celeste Jordan
   — sunshineinjaxs

December 13, 2002
I feel your pain! When I was fairly new post-op I had a heck of a time with constipation. I also tried the MOM, glycerine suppositories, you name it. The only thing that finally worked was Fleet Phospho-Soda. Nasty salty tasting stuff but oh what a relief to have a movement! Now I make sure I use the Fleet glycerine suppositories at the first sign of major constipation. But to prevent that, I eat oatmeal for breakfast, popcorn as a snack or wholegrain Wheat Thins. Good Luck! - Anna
   — Anna L.

December 13, 2002
Try "White Lightning" you can get it at the drug store. It is a clear, citrus drink about 4 oz for the whole bottle. Take that and about 30 min. later, I guarantee you will be running to the bathroom. lol Good Luck!
   — Brooke B.

December 13, 2002
Try to incorporate a little fruit or vegetables in your daily diet.
   — Mary H.

December 13, 2002
Keep getting lots of water if your not getting enough you can get stopped up TRUST ME (experince)
   — dozerr

December 13, 2002
I'm always constipated so I sure understand your problem. I've tried about everything. The best things I've found are some of the ultra high fiber (8-10 grams of fiber) cereals that are out there. And as of last week I've tried the Metamucil Fiber Wafers. There are at least two flavors. I have Cinamon Spice. It is really good tasting and I've had some easy, soft and gentle movements. Walmart has them for $5 a box. I think there are 12 doses in it. (A dose being two wafers).
   — Danmark

December 13, 2002
I eat a couple of dried apricots everyday. It works, but don't eat too many because then it will really work too much.
   — Sue A.

December 13, 2002
I have diverticulosis and my doctor told me that I must never get constipated. He has me eat 3 or 4 prunes or dried apricots every day and a half serving of grape nuts. He suggested putting grape juice over the grape nuts - just enough to soften them. It isn't bad and works wonders. I also put the grape nuts in Blue Bunny yogurt for a nice change. This fiber (the grape nuts and the dried fruit) really helps. I also have a prescription for Miralax - an osmosis agent that is to help with constipation. It is not a laxative - my surgeon does not approve of laxatives. But it does work - takes about 4 days for it to start. Hope you get this resolved soon.
   — Patty_Butler

December 13, 2002
Hi there, Lana! When I get constipated I always have a small 4oz. glass of prune juice. "A warrior's drink!" ;-)It clears me up overnight. Hope you fell clear soon. Vi
   — Vi F.

December 13, 2002
Try magnesium citrate. It tastes disgusting, but really works. I bought it at Walgreen's. -- Jennifer
   — Mrs. Rich

December 13, 2002
This is a sure fire bet, it's what we do in the nursing home where I work. Take 2 tablespoons of M.O.M and 4 oz of prune juice and stick it in the microwave until warm, then drink it right away. Just a suggestion.
   — Rachel W.

December 13, 2002
I drink a cup of Smooth Moves tea every other day and i'm finally "regular" again!!! You can get it at most stores with the teas! TRY IT!!!
   — Sandra B.

December 13, 2002

   — Rhoni333

December 14, 2002
Try popcorn-every night have a few handfuls of popcorn. Its fiber, and trust me, keeps ya regular! Drinking lots of water helps too. Dehydration makes you constipated.
   — Cindy R.

December 15, 2002
Lana, I have very rarely had trouble with constipation. In fact I regularly go every morning. What I do is this.. I have a 54 oz insulated cup. I fill that up with hot herbal tea. I drink more than half (that is when I take my vitamins... with the rest). By the time I am through 54 oz I am more than ready to go. God bless.
   — Gail S.

December 16, 2002
I am having the same Dr. told me that I should take a senocot (sp?) every morning. I bought the CVS version and I take it every morning with my vitamins. It keeps me fairly regular.
   — Jessica D

December 16, 2002
I have had the same problem! A high protein diet can be tough when it comes time to take out the "trash" if you know what I mean! I worked some high fiber foods into my diet and I rarely have trouble anymore. Oatmeal or other whole grain breakfast cereals, 100% whole wheat bread or pasta, fruit and veggies are all good. Popcorn is good, too. Keep in mind that, as another poster mentioned, you may not go every day anymore. I usually average every 2-3 days. As long as you aren't uncomfortable, I wouldn't worry about that. What I worry about is getting STUCK! LOL Just be sure to have some fiber with that protein and it should keep things moving.
   — ctyst

December 16, 2002
Two words: RAISEN BRAN!!! Good luck and have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

December 16, 2002
Unfailable solution -- have one piece too much of sugar free candy. Oh my, oh my!!
   — jen41766

December 16, 2002
LORDY!! Watch out for that Raisin Bran...made me projectile vomit raisins. Well, if you're bored, then that could be interesting, but I swear I had a heart attack after eating that all clogged up. :) Magnesium Citrate baby...pleasing lemon flavor. If you chill it and gulp real fast the taste of acid and soap will go away within 5 hours. hehehe
   — Paula Prichard

December 17, 2002
Hi, it's me again. Speaking of constipation issues must have jinxed me! lol I went one day without a BM (Sunday) and paid for it yesterday. Seems I am one of those people who needs to go daily but sometimes they just don't wanna make their way through (sorry for the graphics). Yesterday I ended up at Walgreen's purchasing some hemmorroid cream for my extremely painful tushie. I also bought some Colace stool softener, something which my surgeon's office lists as a recommended remedy. I took one dose yesterday afternoon and this morning it's like a world of difference! I highly recommend it! Seems they also make Peri-colace, which is a laxative plus stool softener. The Colace, however, can be used as a "maintenance" item since it's not a laxative. Plus what everyone says about getting enough water in is so true! Think I ran into problems because I went Christmas shopping all day Sunday and skimped on my daily water supply. Hope you're feeling better!
   — Anna L.

December 18, 2002
To get things going again, you should probably try some of the drastic stuff that some people have already recommended. ;-)<br>To <i>keep</i> things moving, try Sugar-Free Fiber Choice tablets. They don't swell in your pouch, they taste great! (I have to hide them from my almost-3 year old... they're that good!) and they work. You can get them at Wal-Mart, Target, or a lot of grocery stores for about $10 for 90, which lasts me a month. Well worth it, IMO. <br>One of the major risk factors for colon cancer is more than 3 days between bowel movements on a regular basis. Your body needs to get rid of it, so help it! :-)
   — Julia Z.

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