My hemoglobin in low 5 days pre-op. Help?

My hemoglobin is low (13) and it is only 5 days pre-op. How can I get it up and fast? I just can't imagine being turned away now! FWIW, I have always had low hemoglobin. Thanks!    — Lily C. (posted on October 10, 2002)

October 10, 2002
Lily, not quite sure why your doc thinks your low. Normal range for males is 14-18; normal range for females is 12-16. Hope your surgery is a GO!!!
   — Denise W.

October 11, 2002
I work for an Heme/Onc and your hemoglobin is not low by most standards. If your hematocrit is low, that might be afactor but I doubt it. You should ask your Dr. about iron supplements. That should " perk" you blood right up! Good Luck
   — Alison D.

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