Has anyone had to pay the entire Surgeon's fee upfront?

My insurance will cover the surgery but the surgeon requires the entire surgery to be paid up front.Any ideas, or suggestions?    — Kate M. (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 18, 2002
I had to pay my surgeon's and the assistant surgeon's fees up front, to the tune of $7,875.00. I used my Christmas bonus and then scrimped & saved for 5 months to do it. I didn't want to run up my Visa bill of which I would have had to pay interest.
   — Jennifer A.

July 18, 2002
My insurance pays 70/30, but I was told that I would have to pay my 30% upfront by my surgeon's nurse. When I spoke with the insurance lady from his office, I was informed that I only had to pay a percentage of the 30% which would be $780. My question to you is who told you that? Make sure you are talking directly to whoever does the insurance claims. From what I understand the reason the surgeons are requiring this is because sometimes after surgery the insurance companies refuse to pay. It's the most ridiculous thing- approve the surgery and then deny the claim after it is done. And to that I say, sue the idiots! Best of luck!
   — karmiausnic

July 18, 2002
Yeah, I would think about getting another surgeon. I never heard of such a thing. You should look around, there are other surgeons out there and most only want up to $200.00 down non refundable, so if you back out they still get that for going through all the trouble with the insurance approval process.
   — Amy C.

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