If you're having the RNY can you choose between the DISTAL and PROXIMAL?

I mean I know that generally the distal is for the larger person but is it my choice or the surgeons? Who determines which?    — Monique N. (posted on May 3, 2002)

May 3, 2002
With us it was up to the surgeon. I'm not sure if they do any different, or just one type. Ours is considered proximal.
   — livnliter

May 3, 2002
Some surgeons issue a one-size-fits-all surgery. Some will offer a choice of 2. Mine discuss the pros & cons with you and together you customize your surgery. Obviously, they won't do anything unsafe or totally ineffective, but you together come to agreement on what fits you best, taking into account your BMI ( a little, after all, it's only true TODAY, right?), your potential to follow directions, etc
   — vitalady

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