I haven't had period while on the pill for 2 months!

Hello all if any of you ladies have any advice I would love to hear it. I take Ortho-tricyclen birth control. I have PCOS and know it's important to make sure your cycles are regular.. I have always been one of those luck PCOS'ers that make the lining so fast I bleed like crazy for months at a time so this is the first experience with NOT getting my lovely monthly visitor.. I am scheduled for my surgery in 16 days and don't want there to be anything wrong that would cancel my surgery.. I have no pain or any symptoms what so ever. I am also NOT pregnant!! I have also taken all the pills just like I am supposed too.. What is up???    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 23, 2002)

February 24, 2002
It might be the ortho tricyclens. I was taking orthocept and my doctor changed me to the tricyclens. The next month I was two weeks late. I paniced. Now low and behold I have miss another period. I have been taking them for nine monthes. I am very regular ususally. I paniced again. I took a pregnancy test last night. I am not prenant. I think we need to talk to the doctor about these. I am going for my two week seminar on March 5th and I don't want to be pregnant and have to put it off. ARGH Well I hope you get yours and pray I get mine.:LOL
   — dhogue

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