I just had my first preop visit. Did anyone else have a sudden panic ?

   — Jane Wurzel (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
I did. I went to the movies with my best friend a few days after my first consult. I had not told anyone yet and I guess just the excitement/fear of the whole thing, plus trying to keep it a secret was too much.I have since told only my best friend, and of course my immediate family. I had a panic attack in the movies. I was so sure that I was having a heart attack. I was sweating, my heart was pounding, and all I could do was pray Dear Lord please do not let me die now that I finally have some hope. The panic does get better, and I think that the waiting for approvals, appts, ect. actually helps you get accustomed to the whole thing. Though it is a miserable time with all of the anxiety of waiting. Hang in there. It is totally normal to be scared, nervous, excited, unsure. But it will be over soon and you will be on your way to more exciting things in your life. I will be praying for you. (open RYN 5 1/2 mnths ago, down 104 lbs.)
   — Sue B.

July 10, 2001
When I first had my consultation, I left very uncomfortable feeling and just didn't feel right. I decided not to have the surgery. One year later, I had another consultation with a different doctor and left there feeling confident and sure that this is what I want. Make sure you feel comfortable with the procedure (maybe you need to check into a different type such as RYN,VBG,etc...)and with your doctor. Good luck and hang in there.
   — Rose D.

July 13, 2001
I had sudden panic after my initial consultation. I was building myself up for fighting to get this done and MAYBE after months and months, they'd consider it. I met the weight requirements and they wanted me to pick a date right then and there! I was excited in a way, but mostly panicked and scared. It was like I was picking my new birthday, but I had to die first to do it. I knew it was going to hurt and it was going to be a drastic change in lifestyle. I just marched towards the date and convinced myself that I really needed to do this for my own good and for my children. I want to be there for them when I'm old. That's what got me to the operating table!
   — Julie P.

July 13, 2001
Oh my gosh, I thought I was nuts after my initial consult with my surgeon! I didn't know that he was going to schedule my surgery that day, I was not prepared. I left with a smile on my face, called my mom from the car and just burst into to tears and gasped for air. It's all so overwhelming!!! It is such a shock to realize life as you know it is going to change forever!!!
   — SUNDAY G.

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