Has anyone heard of people losing their teeth due to WLS?

My wife is worried that after the WLS I will lose all of my teeth due to calcium deficencies. Has anyone experienced this or any other dental problems?    — Darin M. (posted on June 25, 2001)

June 25, 2001
You shouldn't have a problem as long as you are taking your suppliments. Of course getting vitamins and minerals are better for us when we get them from our food but suppliments are the next best thing. I take Viactive for Calcium, it's easier to get down than the giant "horse pills" that Calcium usually comes in. Truth be known, I think I'm healthier now that I take suppliments post op as far as vitamins go. Lord knows I wasn't getting enough vitamins the way I used to eat before surgery. (fast food burgers...tons and tons of pop) I'm a bit anal retentive when it comes to my teeth and my dentist has noticed an improvement in my teeth since my surgery! He attributes it to me being so dilligent about my health in general and what I eat. Just be careful what you eat and make sure you take your suppliments and you'll be fine! Good Luck!
   — Deniece H.

June 25, 2001
Hello, regarding calcium, it is my understanding that the carmel Viactiv you speak of is a form of calcium carbonate -- which requires gastric juices to digest properly. This isn't a good option for RNY patients because we don't have the gastric acid. Calcium citrate on the other hand, can be absorbed easily without the aid of stomach acid. There are those that come in a powder form that mixes well with water. Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

June 25, 2001
Darin , do you have lousy teeth to begin with? If not I can tell you I am 14mo post op and since my surgery I haven't even had a cold! My blook is regularly monitored for deficiencies and all of my vitamin and mineral levels are great. Just be sure you take the proper calcium which as the last person says is calcium citrate. If you have any questions about what to take ask your doctor (who is probably half right) then contact vitalady . She is great. Anyway , I have had no dental problems .
   — Rose A.

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