Are these syptoms normal?

Hi. I'm only 3 1/2 weeks post-op (open distal RNY, 5/21/01), feeling lousy, and I just wanted to check to see if these things are normal before I bug my doctor. I don't want him to think I'm a hypochondriac or something. I KNOW it's very soon since surgery and I read all over this site about the first 6 months being the toughest, but I just need to put my mind at ease. __1) First problem is constant nausea. I also get the dry heaves too. I'm not too concerned 'cause I read alot of you have that problem. What seems to help for me is peppermint gum, or even just sniffing some peppermint oil. But when will it go away?!!! __2) Next problem is the constant pains from my waist up. Not sharp pains, but it feels like my guts are rotting away. I'm also concerned that my waistline goes in deep, with my upper abdomen (where the incision is) and my lower abdomen (the apron part) really bulging out. Also, like a recent post mentioned, my upper ab. also is really firm. I'm worried whether my waistline causes all the gasses to stay trapped above the waist, which is what that rotting kind of pain is? __3) Next problem happens when I try to exercise (walking). When I try to get a lttle vigorous, I get a pain in my upper right side, concentrated to a spot where I think my gallbladder is. Doc. did not remove my gallbladder, so I'm taking the Actigall, bile salts. __4) Lastly, walking for even 5 minutes or even taking a shower REALLY drains me. I start to get really dizzy and light-headed, break into a cold sweat, and then a gray cloud comes before my eyes, just before I would pass out (I haven't passed out yet b/c I get to a chair or bed just before I do). It seems when I'm showering, these symptoms get worse quicker when I lift my arms above my head to wash my hair. I have to step out of the shower several times to sit down. ***Are any of these symptoms anything I should be really worried about? Or is this all normal being a new post-op? Incidentally, the meds. I'm taking are Dilantin (anti-seizure), Actigall, Prevacid; Vitamins: Vita4Life Multi (I'm not taking all 12 as I should; taking maybe 1 or 2/day b/c of difficulty in swallowing the pills whole) and Iron. Haven't started the B-12 yet OR the protein :(    — lalasmommy (posted on June 13, 2001)

June 13, 2001
You need to go have a check up and consultation with your doctor. You have several things going on and it is important to get to the bottom of them before anything, sometimes minor things turn into major things just because they were ignored.
   — paula B.

June 14, 2001
I can't help you with anything but number 4, the dizziness whioe showering, esp. when you put your arms up. That is from low blood pressure. I always have had low blood pressure, adn a hot shower or anything more than a few minutes in the hot tub would do this to me. As I gained weight my BP became normal, then bordered on high. After suregery it went back down to normal, but my body wasn't used to it. Showereing or leaning over would make me very faint and dizzy. It took about 2 weeks for it to pass. If you take BP meds DON'T STOP until you call your doc, but call your doc. As for other pains, I felt all kinds of weird pains for 6 weeks or so. Never lasting more than a few times over a few days. Don't get vigorous if it hurts. Go slow and for as long as you can. Good luck.
   — M. A. B.

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