Anyone gain weight while awaiting approval for surgery?

I have found that I seem to be eating more, while awaiting my insurance approval. Heck, I did not even get to my consult yet. It is 2/8/01 I am very excited and want to do this, but I am gaining again.    — Sandra E. (posted on February 2, 2001)

February 2, 2001
laughing... I've gained 19lb since Jan. of 2000. the first 5 was trying to get my diabetes under control with medications and trying different diets. The second 10lbs is all my *last pigg out meals* before surgery. (Did I mention my surgery date is Feb. 19 YeeeeHaaa!) and the last 4 lbs is quitting smoking Dec 1 AND all of the above. I so admire people who lost weight before surgery.. I'm in awe.. hugs
   — Debi V.

February 2, 2001
I had many, many last suppers, and even polished off a half of pan of my mom's homemade fudge in one sitting 2 days before surgery. Between the consult and surgery, I actually lost one pound. I think it was because it was during the summer, and I kept active and even started an exercise program prior to surgery. Unless your doctor told you to lose weight before WLS, don't worry about it. That last pound you put on will be the first to come off and you'll forget about it soon enough. Good Luck for a speedy recovery!
   — Allie B.

February 2, 2001
YES !!!!! I am waiting for my approval and my nerves are shot, I am eating everything in site and am actually so emotional with everyone about everything.
   — Debra L.

February 2, 2001
<b>OH YES</b> Im eating everything and anything!! all of my favorite foods i am finally at a point of my life that im not even feeling guilty about all this eating because i know after WLS i will not ever be able to eat what i am now eating.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 2, 2001
Boy, your questions was me, yes waiting for approval I ate everything I wanted to. Taco Bell Nacho BellGrande at 11:00PM when I got off work at 11:00pm on Sunday's to go home and watch Sex and the City that I had recorded. I don't recommend it. Now the 30 pound I have lost in the last 2 months since my operation are the pounds I gained while waiting for insurance approval. I wish they had come off from my weight before my spurge. Try not to, but I'm the last person to criticize. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

February 2, 2001
Ha, yes! I put on 8 pounds between my initial consult date and the date of my surgery ... and there was only a few short weeks between the two! Very common, I think.
   — Beth B.

February 2, 2001
I'm sure glad I am not the only one dealing with this. I had a consult last April and it took 5 months to get a denial letter. I have since changed insurors and have a second consultation with a new doctor 3/1/01. I think I have eaten more in the last few months than ever before in my life.
   — jeff P.

February 2, 2001
Oh yeah, I went from 294 to 310 real quick. Part of the weight gain was due to frustration in attaining a surgery date and all of the emotional issues, but most of the weight gain was due to eating CONSTANTLY! I had a mind set of "get it while you can" because after surgery there will be no more 1/4 pounders or Chalupas! :)
   — Kim F.

February 2, 2001
OH MY GOD!!!! I have gained so much!! I guess it's part; I'm not going to be able to eat this after surgery, might as well get as much as I can now...and, for the first time in my life I haven't felt obligated to diet and what a liberating feeling that is! It also has a down side though, I have seen my self confidence go down as quickly as my weight has gone up! I had a long wait for both my first consult and being scheduled for surgery, and I kept myself occupied during the wait by letting myself eat whatever I wanted. So be careful, but at the same time...enjoy it while you can!!
   — DolcezzaVT

February 2, 2001
Oh yes. I was denied, so tried to diet "one more time". Naturally, that was very successful in adding a few more lbs before surgery. Thanks goodness, my body didn't care when I put it on, it ALL went away!
   — vitalady

February 3, 2001
Yes, I gained weight. About 10 pounds! However, they noticed this and then asked me to lose 25 pounds prior to surgery so I'd be careful out there! Especially if you're having your surgery with Kaiser South San Francisco...they like to see that your "committed" and how badly you want the surgery. I've only lost about 10 but they saw that I was trying so I now have a surgery date of February 28th!!!! Woohoooo! Took me a year to get this surgery!
   — Marie L.

February 3, 2001
My initial consult was 10/18/00. Between that date and surgery on 11/17/00, I treated every meal as if it would be my last!!! I made sure I ate all my favorites because I just knew I would miss them - especially sweets, which have always been my worst craving. The good news is, that since surgery I am down 56.5 pounds, take only 4 pills per day compared to 11 pre-op, and feel like a million bucks. I don't even crave sugar anymore - - this is a miracle. Even though I have a high BMI and still have a LONG, LONG way to go, everything is better already!!!! Unless your doctor is having a fit, don't sweat the few pounds you gain. Once you have surgery they will come off. Best of luck to you.
   — Lynn T.

February 3, 2001
The time between the time I was approved for the surgery and the time I actually had the surgery I gained 11 lbs. I ate everything I wanted and! One last hurrah. But then, I just had to lose that much more weight. I don't regret it though. This is normal!
   — Betty Todd

February 4, 2001
my surgeon told me to try and lose 10 or so pounds before surgery. he had a patient who really gained a lot of weight right before surgery, and he had to convert her surgery from lap to open, because her liver was so fatty and engorged from the recent gain. she admitted to him that she had eaten a lot as a "last supper". so thanks to this patient (thanks alot- j.k.) now we all have to lose weight before surgery. i don't want to take the chance of the same thing happening to me. however, it's so hard to stay motivated to eat the "right" things when you know you will soon dump all kinds of weight!! good luck!!
   — melanie S.

May 27, 2001
When having your last suppers please consider what my psych doctor told me... You can TASTE whatever you want as long as you eat a very small amount slowly. So its not like I will never taste my favorite chocolate chip cookies, soft and chewey, But I certinally cant ewat a dozen or to at one time... Even people who dump bad can SIP a DQ shake very slowly. Although this would be a very bad habit to get into.
   — bob-haller

December 24, 2003
I have my 1st consult on 13 Jan 04. I am eating all the time. I too am gaining weight. I am 4"8 and I weight 199 right now.
   — Jellybean265

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