NOT a Question~Just Advice for Smokers

I'm waiting to be approved and have some news for you smokers out there who may TRY to fool your surgeon into thinking you've stopped smoking when you haven't. I've read that ALOT of surgeons require an ABG (Arterial Blood Gas) test as part of the pre-op workup. I'm a respiratory therapist and thought you should know that if he does order the test and you HAVE been smoking, he'll KNOW it from the carbon monoxide in your blood. THAT not only makes you a SMOKER, but a LIAR as well. Think about it.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 27, 2001)

January 27, 2001
how long to you have to be smoke free to pass a abg test?
   — [Anonymous]

January 27, 2001
I am a smoker, who is currently working very hard to quit!! It's something that is NOT easy to do, but to have this surgery, I feel that I must do it!! I do not know if my surgeon requires an ABG test. I DO KNOW that I do NOT want any complications because of the anastesion (spelling). I know of several people who have had this surgery....that were smokers...and had a H*LL of a time after....staying on oxygen longer etc!! Not to mention my PCP's advise...why would you go through having yourself cut be healthy...only to continue smoking and polluting your lungs?? Made sense to me!!
   — chance2lv

January 27, 2001
Ok, who let the children in here? Kits for passing ABG tests? How ridiculous! To start with Arterial Blood Gas tests do not have a pass/fail simply shows the level of oxygen in your blood, unless they want additional gases, like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which can also be assessed. Let's just tell the doc the truth and not try fudging anything...<insert major eye-rolling>...
   — merri B.

January 27, 2001
I don't know why anyone would TRY to fool their doctor about something that serious! I DID NOT want to quit smoking, but I have, because I want to come out of surgery alive, and with no complications! Now, before you start thinking that I'm a drama queen, let me assure you that I am not. I am simply a Class A worrier. My surgeon informed me of the reasons why he requires his patients to quit smoking before surgery, and it made sense to me. I'm already anxious about the whole hospital/surgery situation - I'm not going to continue doing something that could make things worse for me. If, however, I had decided to continue smoking, I certainly would want my doctor to be aware of it, so that I would get the appropriate care during and after surgery!
   — Lori F.

January 28, 2001
Today I started wearing the patch to quit smoking & let me tell you it's not easy. I'm a pack a day smoker. What's making it harder is that I'm having my psych evaluation tomorrow & I would love to light up to calm my nerves.So I decided to come to AMOS & read, read, read. My surgeon advised me to quit before surgery & yes they will find out if I'm still smoking from my pre-op testing. So if you lie & say you quit smoking & didn't your hurting nobody but yourself.
   — socco58

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