What is the best advice you can give to person facing surgery next week?

I am FINALLY one week away from my surgery date. My RNY is scheduled for October 2nd. What is the BEST advice you can give me? (Aside from eat protein, drink water and excerise lots. Thanks to this site, I KNOW all that!) I am looking more for the little tips...what have you learned that you wish you had known earlier? Any helpful hints? Any thing special I should pack for the hospital? Any thing special I should do at home to make my post-op period more pleasant?    — Polly F. (posted on September 23, 2000)

September 23, 2000
Polly, I also had the lap rny. After the surgery, I wasn't really in any "pain" per se. I was very uncomfortable b/c with lap surgery they blow up your belly with a gas so they can see everything and that is still present about 2-4 days in the hosp. I had brough magazines with me to read, but I was to preoccupied with being uncomfortable to read them. I do with I had brought a portable cd player, with some relaxing cd's. What I really wanted to do was walk, and I was in ICU for conveinence of the hosp and the nurses wouldn't let me out of bed. But when I got up to go potty, I felt better standing. My only advise is use your time wisley. Yes you are gonna have to walk but use your off time to relax and gets lots of rest, it will be much deserved. Good Luck to you, hope I helped a little bit Hugs and Love...
   — Alison B.

September 23, 2000
Congratulations Polly! All the tips you'll find here are really helpful. I believe Ava Lee's site has a lot of good ideas for how to prepare for being at home. Take a small fan to the hospital...for some reason, everybody gets really warm post-op. If you are in pain, don't be a hero. I had shoulder pain, much like when I had a c-section and needed something other than the morphine drip. One shot took it away. Have a nice hypoallergenic and fragrance free lotion ready at home - the tape from the bandages and butterfly sutures irritated my skin and I had welts for a few weeks. Have a variety of sugar free clear liquids on hand, too. I was fine with the popsicles pre-op, but couldn't stand even the smell when I got home. Your tastes will change very rapidly. Most of all, think positive thoughts, visualize yourself thin and your recovery will go smoother. Good Luck and prayers to you.
   — Allie B.

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