What triggers the body to stop losing weight?

Im almost 11 months postop and Ive lost 135 lbs. Im still averaging 10-12 lbs a month and have lost 75% of the weight that Id like to lose (80% if you go by what my family doctor says my ideal weight is). I was expecting the weight loss to slow down or stop when I reached the 65%-70% bracket because thats what I was told to expect with this type of surgery (proximal RNY). However, Im wondering what will happen as I approach my 135 lb goal (Im 5'6"). How will my body know its time to slow down? Am I going to have to start eating more even if Im not hungry? Its possible for me to gain a few pounds if i eat a lot of junk food but Im not use to eating stuff like that so what usually happens is I will gain a little and it will drop right off again when I get back to my normal routine. I remember before having this surgery watching a talk show where this man came out and he was skin and bones. He had had weight loss surgery and couldnt seem to keep any weight on. I know its too soon for me to worry about that but also Im wondering whether 10-12 lbs is too much at my current weight (175-180#). My family doctor thinks it is. Anyway, I just wanted some input on what to expect.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 10, 2000)

September 10, 2000
In the RARE case of not being able to stop losing weight and/or needing to put weight on, it is my understanding that you can take extra supplements, like the kinds that body builders use. They are high in calories and will help you to maintain your weight and stabilize it. This is in the form of a shake like drink and you would probably have to drink a few a day. Maybe I am wrong, but that is what I had heard. Good luck
   — enjo4

May 21, 2001
Erin, I would love to know how you are doing now (eight months since you posted this question. Ten pounds a month is not out of line for conventional "dieting", even at thirty pounds of goal, so I don't know why your doctor got concerned. Anyway, I know two people who lost and then it stopped "on schedule". Now I am a month post-op and counting on that same experience. Please update here. Thanks
   — Sandra W.

May 21, 2001
Sandra, I'm not Erin, but thought I'd share my experience. I'm now 13 months post op & have lost 173# of the 185# I originally had to lose. Doing the math, I am 12# from my original goal weight. My loss has slowed down considerably in the last six weeks. I also seem to fluctuate a fair amount. I have lost & gained the same five or six pounds several times in those six weeks. However, through the fluctuations, my weight is still dropping slowly. I'm less concerned now than ever before about those actual numbers, tho. It would be fun to actually get down to 165# (I am 5'9), but I don't feel it's necessary or even important now. I am so happy with the way I look & feel now that the numbers aren't important. Also, I know that if I were able to get rid of most of this excess skin, I would probably EASILY make 165#. Even tho my weight's a little higher, I am now thinner than I was last time I weighed this amount. I believe it was Barb Day (?) who mentioned our bones are heavier having carried around so much weight. Anyway, I also need to mention that I DO eat more than I used to. I went thru a wonderful honeymoon period where I never got hungry or wanted to eat more than I, sometimes, I have to reason with myself & use some willpower. It's NOT like it was before; I have MUCH more control now & I have established good habits, plus, it doesn't happen TOO often, but MY experience is that your body DOES know when to slow down &/or stop the losing process. I suppose not all of us will have the same experience, but for me, I don't think I will have any problem with losing too much & I don't really think I'll have much problem keeping it off, either. Most of the time now, I can eat pretty much whatever I want & I'm still gradually losing just a bit more, as I think I should be at this point. Hope this helps. In thirteen months from 350 to 177---with 12 left to go and, for the first time my BMI is in the "ideal" range!!! YIPPEE!!
   — Kathy W.

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