Is there any reason that a doctor would refuse to do WLS?

   — Lorraine L. (posted on August 31, 2000)

August 31, 2000
My doctor does not want to do WLS for me, because I am anemic. He will do the WLS, if I have a hysterectomy at the same time of WLS.
   — Shelly T.

September 1, 2000
At the first seminar that I went to at my surgeon's office, the nurse (his wife) told us that he would not operate on anyone who was a current smoker, or on anyone with latex allergies. Hope this helps...
   — Holly G.

September 1, 2000
i was intially refused by a doctor because i wouldnt consent to a blood transfusion in an emergency - i found another doctor fortunately .. concidentally the doctor that refused me agreed to assist my present doctor during the surgery .. go figure!
   — [Anonymous]

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