What are costs of surgery compared with Comorbid Conditions?

Still in the thread of costs for WLS, does anyone have an analysis of comparative costs for comorbid proceedures such as hip replacement, knee replacement, myocardial infarction, diabetes, heel spurs, etc, etc, etc...? Would this be good to include in an appeal letter to an insuror who has denied coverage? Thanks to all who respond.    — jeff P. (posted on May 24, 2000)

June 8, 2001
I had to appeal for my surgery (My surery date is 7-13-01). My letter included the costs of the surgery broken down and then listed all of my concerns with being morbidly obese. I explained the young ages of my children and my desire to see them grow up. Basically, I begged for my life. I also prayed a lot. God bless.
   — [Anonymous]

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