I had complications from a tummy tuck and complete hystorectomy

Would I even be a canadate for this or will I have to wait longer? I had major complications from a psudemonis infection from a hystorectomy/tummytuck. It was done 5/98 and left open to heal for 12 weeks packed and reopend 5 more times due to suture granulomas and granuloma tissue. The last surgery was in July of 1999. I am all clear and have been. I realize I am lucky to survived this but now that I am on full hormone replacement therapy I am growing by the day. I am desparate not to get any bigger. I am 5'4" and weigh 205 pounds. I used to weigh 123 when I was in my twenties. I am 40 years old now. I have also had 3 C-sections. I do have a large amount of scar tissue in my abdomin. Does this matter?    — diane H. (posted on February 18, 2000)

March 7, 2006
You had major complications. I have had 7 laps for endometriosis, 5 D&C for mc., and 2 crash c-sections. I had a major infection after the first, Staph, and was also re-opened. However I had my last c-section 4 months ago!! I am now 6 days post op, OPEN rny, as I was not willing to take the risk of them finding more adhesions and having problems. Maybe that is your answer? Lap is great fro some people, but not really an option for me. Hope that helps.
   — Kristin R.

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