my fiance has CHF,is 46ys old ,extremely overweight, I am very concerned

we have our first appt.w/the sugeon 11/17/99 in Philadephia.Should we bring health records with us? or just tell the doctor and have everything tested there? does anyone know if this condition will make it harder to be approved? It's such a "catch 22" I've heard.Any advice from anyone will be greatly appriciated.    — patti C. (posted on October 27, 1999)

October 27, 1999
Yes, by all means bring any and all records your fiance had concerning the Congestive Heart Failure and any other co-morbidities. It will helpful to the surgeon as to what pre-op testing he/she orders. I also have CHF and tomorrow I go in for a Thallium Stress Test and Doppler as part of my pre-surgery approval. Good Luck..
   — Victoria B.

October 27, 1999
i think i would have his records sent to the surgeon from his cardiologist and any other Dr. that has treated him. That way the seurgon has all his records and knows whats going on. This way he can give a better evaluation to your fiance....hope this helps........Barb in NY...Ps...dont know how the insurance will go,but i would think that if its medically advisable they would ok it.
   — clarkbar

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