How do you visualize what you are going to look like?

I have seen a number of statements made in other questions about "focusing" or "visualizing" what you will look like in the future after your surgery. I am wondering how to do that since I have been heavy most of my life - I weighed 195 in the 8th grade. So I guess I don't have that great of an imagination because when I close my eyes I cannot see me thinner. I do however have dreams of what I want to be able to do - such as swim with my daughter, going outside with her to play, riding a horse and the big one - just being able to move around without feeling so bad. Any hints on visualization?    — Janet C. (posted on July 29, 1999)

July 29, 1999
Janet, I think the best way that you can visualize yourself is to see yourself HAPPY and HEALTHY! Now that is a vision! Good luck and I wish the best!
   — Sarah D.

July 29, 1999
Janet, Just continue to see yourself doing the things you long to do. You don't need a picture of your body; in fact that might lead to dissapointment. Sometimes we can be unrealistic in our expectations. Take it from a former annorexic. You will find more joy in the things you can do, how you feel, and the health you enjoy, than in striving for the looks of a super model that some envision.
   — Fran W.

July 29, 1999
I am in the same boat as you. What I do is close my eyes, take a few deep breathes and concentrate on something I want to do when I am skinny. Take swimming with your daughter. When you close your eyes try to put yourself in the position where you are comfortable, you move around easily in and around the pool. See yourself walking into the area and no one looking at you except to see who is there and that is it. Imagine the smell and feel of the cool water. Feel body move in ways that used to or in ways you have seen others move. And most important, see yourself with high confidence and HAVING FUN. The image of being smaller will come as you loose the weight. I do something similar when I am going into a stressful situation and it helps. I hope I am some help
   — sue ann A.

July 29, 1999
I am in the same boat. My husband and I went through magazines and we picked out a few models who had a simialar bust line and what we would prefere I look like. I then narrowed down my choices to 5 we them color copied my face onto the bodies. Then we picked out the one we like best. I use it to help, we know that I would look probly nothing like it in the end but it has given me something to start with.
   — Kimberly Z.

July 29, 1999
How will you look when you get there? How about how do you look when you ARE there & have been there for several years? I'm not sure we EVER know what we look like! I sure don't!
   — vitalady

July 29, 1999
Janet- All of us have dreams inside that have been waiting in the distance. Things you always wished you could do or even seen other do. Thats where you start. Those thoughts are the sparks that ignite your visions. I myself would love to go horse-back riding but could never be that cruel to an animal. Well in a few months I will be able to see that dream come true without feeling guilty. Look inside yourself- because your heart doesn't have a fat memory for you. It houses all the dreams that you deserve to see come to past in your life. See beyond your tunnel vision and see what you could become without the weight. The sky is the limit. Its a growing process but it starts within you. GOOD HEALTH - Sheila RNY- March 26, 99 ( 77 pounds down)
   — Sheila W.

July 30, 1999
You sound so much like me... I had the same problem exactly. I could not envision myself slim either... I picked out someone who had the kind of body I would like to have had. Then I kept trying to see myself with her body. I could relate so well to what you wrote because I too had been heavy since I was a child.. I too wanted to just be able to do things with my kids even though they were grown. I had my surgery in 1995 and have thanked God above for it every day since. Had the best surgeon in the world, Dr Phil Alston, Memphis, Tn. I am very proud now of my new body and you will be of yours too. Best of luck to you in your quest
   — Peggy W.

February 4, 2003
Have you checked out (my virtual model) *Its not exactly you but its really neat!!
   — Snowflake48342

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