Has anyone been to Dr Rumble in St Francis Hospital Network ?

I already see someone for mental issue's.I just called his office to ask if he did the WLS Eval,and was referred to Dr Rumble.My thing is this.I am on Disibilty now for the last 7yr's due to depression and severe anxiety disorder (PANIC ATTACK'S).I am already crazy ,what will happen with this eval.Will this doctor think I am too crazy to go through the surgery ?i am very forgetful,I hav ethe support I need at home and among friend's,I just need the surgery to start a new improved life.Any help would be grateful on this.    — in_harleymamma392002 (posted on July 14, 2005)

July 14, 2005
I too am on Disability for Severe Depression and Panic Attacks. I had no problem with the psych eval. This surgery has helped me with both problems and as you lose the weight hopefully it will help you. I think on the psych eval they are looking more for what you expect from the surgery as in it will make all you troubles go away and how you will be able to handle the change in the way you will have to eat differently for the rest of your life. So just go in there with a good attitude and every thing should be okay. I wish your luck and hope your surgery goes well and you live a long and healthier life both mentally and physically. And make sure you let them know that you have a strong support group as far as family and friends. That is a big help too. Good Luck and let us know how it turns out. Lisa
   — Lisa E.

July 14, 2005
Lucinda, 3yrs. Post-op here: Phyc evals are geared more toward seeing if the gastric bypass will help your mental status rather than to see if you are mentally capable to have the surgery. Usually phyc evals are required by the insurance companys. You say you have severe depressions and anxiety. Those will help you get your approval rather than hinder it, because they are something that having weightloss surgery will probably help get better as you loose the weight and start feeling better about yourself.
   — Jo_Michalko

July 15, 2005
Lucinda- I have the EXACT same problem. I'm disabled for reasons simular to you. I've been "stable" for almost a year. I'm scared to death of doing that eval.It's scheduled next week for me. What if they say I can't have the surgery! My legs are shot from carrying around this weight. Or what if I pass the eval and S.S. stops my disability. I'm quite sure that I can handle the life changes that the surgery would require.I walk in the evenings and to Drs. offices that are close but I still use my cane.There's no way I could handle a full time job anymore. That would be way to stressful and I don't want to go back to the mental state I was in 8yrs. ago. Can't give you much advice, But I sure know how you feel. My therapist told me the same thing, she doesn't do evaluations so she referred me to the person in their office that does. She did send a letter of support.The evaluation will be done in my Bariatric office by THEIR person.Good Luck to you. Please let me know how this all played out for you. Hugs, Janice C.
   — jani204

July 15, 2005
Thanks for those who answered this .I in fact was scheduled for the appointment today but something came up and the doctor had to cancel.I now have a date of August 8th.They were nice enough to put me on the cancelation schedule.I am feeling some what better after hearing this from your post.I also brought it up at the meeting Thursday nite and was told about the same.Also I been waiting on my past records to be sent to my now family doctor from previous yr's.I called the company today to find out why they had not been sent,only to find out .They were mailed out on June 3rd.....I called my doctor's office and found out they have been SITTING ON THEM SINCE BEFORE END OF JUNE!I was irrate to fin dthis out.I told them I was on my way there before they closed to pick them up.I get there and was explaining why I needed them and was told ...well we had no idea what they were,we just put them into your file.Now this is the office that made the appointment for the testing and referal's to Eileen.Go figure lol.we need to make copies and then give them to you and also you will need to see our other doctor since your's left the pratice July 2 ..I am gritting my teeth.I have to go in there Monday afternoon,see this other doc get him to write me my statement and then get my copies and wait now till August for the pysch eval.....Everything was looking good yesterday now I feel like i am not going any where.Thank you for the info.I will stay in touch about this.Also,for those going thru the same worry about the test..I am sending huggs to you..PRAY we all get passed on this.Will keep you informed on what happens on my end.
   — in_harleymamma392002

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