Just to say thank-you

My surgery is on April 16th and I just wanted to say thankyou to all of you for your wise words of encouragement to others and to me when I asked questions. This site has given me the courage to persue this surgery. You are some of the most honest and sincere and loving people I have ever come acrossed. I know that I will come through this surgery because of you all and of course my surgeon . Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. Claire    — gramof3 (posted on April 14, 2004)

April 14, 2004
I wish you the best of luck on your surgery, claire! I agree with you about this web site! I am still pre - op and I find so much encouragement here!!! I will be thinking of you on Friday!! jennifer s
   — jennifer S.

April 14, 2004
Claire May your surgery be uneventful and may your recovery be a speedy one .
   — Ruth P.

April 15, 2004
hugs and prayers for you
   — Peggy R.

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