I have a face!! and a ?

Thanks so much to the AMOS staff for adding my pic to my profile. It's so nice to "see" who you are talking to on the posts... Also, I FINALLY have my first physical next Thursday. This is required prior to my first meeting with the surgeon. What can I expect from this appointment? I know I should have asked the nurse who scheduled me, but I was so freakin excited that I just basically said yes to everything she asked... Is this the appt. where I have all of the pre op tests, blood gas, x rays, etc., or is this just a routine physical? I do believe that the results from this appt. will be what the surgeon uses to write the medically necessary letter to my insurance co. Any help is MUCH appreciated. Blessings, Rachel    — Rachel_T (posted on January 31, 2004)

January 31, 2004
Every doctor is different, therefore, it is impossible to answer your question. If the surgeon set up the physical, then this might include your pre-operative testing. Why not call the doctors' office back and ask, saying you want to be prepared for the visit. Good luck.
   — wschaffer

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