
   — mountains (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 13, 2003
I am 9 days post-op, and this is how thing went with me. I was approved the last week in July. With in 2 weeks Dr Duncan's office called me with my date. At that time I was told that I would have to see the nutritionalist and exercize specialist. Atlanta Medical Center has two of the best that work with Dr Duncan, that is who I scheduled my appointment with, they will give you a notebook, that has so much info, for you to take home. I started reading this about once a week so that I would not forget something. VERY IMPORTANT!!! Start taking your vitamines ASAP and having atleast 1 protein shack a day. It would suprise you to know that alot of us do not get enough protein to begin with. The protein now, can possible help with the hair loss later. I also had to see a cardiologist(sp?). I choose Dr Stanley Arnold and Atlanta Cardiology @ Saint Josephs Hospital, who has been my mother and fathers doctor for years and who also (come to find out) is a friend of Dr Duncans. The week prior to my surgery I went in to have my pre-op visit with Dr Duncans' office, which will be a very long visit. I arrived at 7:30 and left at 12:30. It will be very informative, be sure that if you received your note book from the nutritionalist and exercize specialist that you bring it with you along with a pen. My surgery was on Monday, so on Friday I had what we all called my last meal. Because two days prior to surgery you will have to drink your fleet stuff (1 1/2 oz one good gulp) followed by 8 oz of water. Followed 10 min. later by another 8oz of water. Stay close to home afterward and drink plenty of fluids and broths. Same thing the next day. It realy isn't that bad if your excited about your surgery. (My daughter-in-law was having a different surgery the same week and she had to drink a gallon of this gaud awful stuff.) Be sure to get a good nights sleep the night before, this helps to make it easier to come out of recovery. On Monday morning I was up at 4:30 and out the door at 5:15AM heading to the hospital.
   — dimccoy

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