I am two weeks post op and I have some tenderness right where my pouch is

It also feels hard like a knot in there. I am drinking protein shakes for the most part and chewing my food 75 times each bite when I eat chicken (which isn't often). I am not on any pain medications and I am taking my supplements faithfully. Does anybody know what this could be or why this is? It's not really pain, it is just tenderness. Will it go away?    — Tracey (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
I felt a little "tender" around the pouch area also. I am pretty sure that will go away. I am fine now and you will be too!
   — Eleanore Davis

October 8, 2003
You're only two weeks out! There is going to be a lot of tenderness, twinges, and pangs for the next couple of months. I'm a little over 3 months out and still have little things like that on occasion. Remeber that you are still very inflamed and bruised in there; they moved a lot of stuff around! I think we also have a tendency to be hyper-aware of that area so we will notice these things. Relax! and if it becomes too bothersome call your surgeons office - I'm sure they will be glad to put you at ease!
   — Pambylah

October 8, 2003
hey, I dont know if you had open or lap or if this will pertain to you but I think the info may be helpful anyway. I had open surgery and my tenderness and knot was near my incision. after a few days the "knot" started draining. the opening in the incision was minuscule. When fat dies it liquifies and has to get out somehow. AS long has the drainage is pinkish yellow and has no odor its just fat. It was a little bit of a hassle keeping it covererd and not messing up my clothes but once it started draining the tenderness was gone.
   — Marilayne M.

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