Hernia Question

I just found out that I have a hernia and forgot to ask the Doc if it could repair itself or if sugery is the only way to repair it?    — Tammara D. (posted on September 9, 2003)

September 9, 2003
Hernias do not repair themselves and surgery is the only way to fix them. Sorry!
   — Sharon m. B.

September 9, 2003
If you haven't had surgery yet, your surgeon can fix your hernia when he does the surgery. I had two hernias that the surgeon fixed while doing my gastric by-pass surgery.
   — Vicki D.

September 9, 2003
Personally, I wouldn't have the surgeon fix it because that might be your key to getting a tummy tuck of some kind after you lose weight. They are common occurances after surgery but why not have a back up plan.
   — Angela A.

September 9, 2003
hernias do not repair them selves. they can only be surgically repaired. I was diagnosed with a hernia at aprox 6 months post op. I decided to wait until I lost more weight and then do it with a tummy tuck at the same time. So much for the best laid plans. 4 weeks ago I was in the emergency room in the worst pain of my life. now, I am not a wimp, I have had Kidney stones and passed them just taaking ibuprofen (preop) or tylenol post op. It seems the hernia was pinching my bowel and caused a bowel obstruction, a potentially life threatening situation. Needless to say I had to have it repaiered on an emergency basis. I am 25 pounds from my goal. I was not able to have a tummy tuck because I was in fact in an emergency situation and the surgeon flat out would not consider it as he felt at the time it would be a further risk to my health. I am recovering, lots of swelling around the mesh they placed to repair the hernia, but minimal pain. SO, the moral of this very long story is, listen to your surgeon, If he /she says get it fixed they have a very good reason. If it gives you ANY pain talk to your Dr. I personally was not wanting to be a thin & dare I say good looking corpse :-)
   — **willow**

September 9, 2003
oops typo below, I am 15 pounds from goal, started 260 - 115 , now 145, want to be 130
   — **willow**

September 9, 2003
It won't fix itself. Please follow your doctors suggestions on this. I just came home from emergency surgery for a twisted hernia at the RNY connection site that had scar tissue strangling it shut. I had no warning. The pain came on Labor Day evening and never stopped. If you have severe pain or vomitting, please seek help immediately. It could be life threatening.
   — Holly M.

September 9, 2003
I have lived with my hernia now for about a year. I noticed it about the time I went in for my 9 month check-up and my Gastric doctor confirmed. We have been watching it ever since and I've gone back to see him every 3 months just to keep an eye on it. I saw him yesterday and I'm looking at TT and a hysterectomy as well. He flat out refuses to fix the hernia with the hysterectomy, but says it's not a problem to do the external cut hysterectomy that I need before the hernia repair. I think the main thing is to listen to your body and if you experience some severe pain in your abdomen, seek medical attention immediately in case you do have a bowel obstruction. They can happen, but as long as you can hold out on getting it repaired and possibly do with a TT, I would. Something may come up between now and the time I finally get mine scheduled, but I am holding out and waiting and will listen to my body if I have to, but right now, it's not a problem other than the way it pokes out.
   — Tparker

September 10, 2003
Thank you for all your answers. I had my bypass done on 4/8/03 and i guess now I'll plan on that TT when I get this hernia taken care of. Thanks again.
   — Tammara D.

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