My comes and goes - what's up with that?

I am 3 month post-op and I have noticed the past couple of months that I forget really dumb things. For example; I was trying to describe a Pine Cone to a friend the other day because I couldn't think of the words "Pine Cone" to save my life. I have done this a lot with other things. Normal things...I was not like this pre-op and I am a little concerned... (It's embarrassing, LOL!) I had my blood work done 2 weeks ago and everything checked out great. Anyone else out there know what I am talking about? >^,,^< Thanks!!!!    — Kim W. (posted on September 9, 2003)

September 9, 2003
I noticed that a lot preop and it was my thyroid. Have your PCP check it for you. When I get lazy and don't take my thyroid pills consistently, it comes back.
   — bethybb

September 9, 2003
Another possibility is your diet. The brain (and heart and lungs) prefer to burn carbohydrates, and work most efficiently when they can. When carbs are not available, these organs will use stored fat as fuel, but they don't work optimally on that fuel source. Chances are, you're eating almost all protein, and very few carbs of any kind. If it's really bothersome, try getting just a few more veggies, fruits or whole grains in your diet and see if that helps.
   — Vespa R.

September 9, 2003
Anesthesia is known to cause brain fogs but I'm not certain if it would still affect you 3 months post-op. It could also be just a normal part of aging, too much on your mind. I have his happen to me too all the time, your grasping for the word to describe something and its on the tip of your tongue. If it happens infrequently, I'd say your OK, even normal, if its a daily thing, talk to the doc.
   — Cindy R.

September 9, 2003
Where exactly is your B12 level? Over 400? And your B-1? The b-vites are usually related to memory, if it is nutritional. Do you eat nuts, grains & seeds? Most B's are in those, plus a reasonable amount is in your 2 multi-vites, IF your particular multi vite includes B-1,2,3,6. The B12 has to be taken separately.
   — vitalady

September 9, 2003
I'm 2+ years out and my memory is shot. I get B-12 shots "FOUR TIMES A MONTH"... so it is'nt B-12. I don't know what is wrong, but I'm scared as it keeps getting worse.
   — Danmark

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