What does it mean if I am having green and black stools?

They started off green and have turned to black pasty stools... Is this normal? I am 10 weeks post op.    — Heidi J. (posted on August 31, 2003)

August 31, 2003
Are you taking iron?
   — Delores S.

August 31, 2003
Not to scare you but black stools often signify blood. When I had bleeding ulcers a long time ago, my stools were black and tarry and had blood in them. Are you also in any pain? If you are, please don't delay ... call your doctor. If you feel otherwise okay, you might want to evaluate what you are eating. In any event, if it gives you concern I would always ask the doctor first!
   — MomBear2Cubs

August 31, 2003
I'm six weeks post op, and since the start I've had black/green diahreah...My doctor says it's perfectly normal, and while the consistency should improve when I eat solid foods, it will likely always be that color simply due to what we do and don't absorb, the high-protein diet, and the iron supplements.
   — Kelly B.

August 31, 2003
Heidi, a good question for your doctor, but more than likely it's iron. Iron REALLY does that! NEVER hurts to check with your doc.
   — Ginger M.

September 2, 2003
   — T P.

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