OUCH tight calves

3 days post op here(can you say OUCH0 my calves are tight and sore, what can i do and what does it mean    — tracy W. (posted on August 16, 2003)

August 15, 2003
It could be a blood clot (hopefully not) so to be sure CALL YOUR DOCTOR AND DO IT RIGHT AWAY!! You are better safe than sorry. Is there any redness or areas that feel hot, these are also signs of a blood clot. It could also be extra fluid in your body from surgery. Many people gain 10-20 pounds from all the iv fluids they give you. I know when I retain fluid it is usually in my calves, feet and ankles. The skin gets really tight and uncomfortable. Don't take a chance with your life, call the DR or go to the ER!
   — Kathy J.

August 16, 2003
I agree with Kathy, get that checked out asap! Good luck!
   — ZZ S.

August 16, 2003
My Mom had that.... it WAS a blood clot. Don't wait. Check it out.
   — Danmark

August 16, 2003
I have had 3 episodes of DVT (blood clots in the legs), and two of them started with tight calves that I just couldn't seem to stretch out. You need to get this checked out ASAP. Especially since you are so freshly out of surgery. Please don't delay in letting your doc know about this.
   — Greg P.

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