How do I report an unethical psychologist?

I posted a few days ago that my psychologist (I mistakenly called her a psychiatrist)was "freaking me out"--she refused to talk about WLS, required 4 $150 visits, plus additional $135 for the written letter, and was trying to get on a referral list in the area for WLS patients (She also asked really invasive questions, and was rather rude when I answered that I didn't want to talk about a previous rape--something I've never run into with other psychologists.) *Anyway* After reading all the responses and contacting my surgeon's office (who echoed your concerns about the fee scale, time frame, and questions asked), I fired her, and asked for copies of my records. (I also signed a form disallowing her from ever releasing any of the records. You gotta love HIPAA.) It turns out that she had decided during the first 50 minute session that WLS was "psycologically contraindicated" because my WL issues came from a "lack of nurturing in childhood," my "alcoholic" mother (though I'd strenuously repeated that my mother has never had a drink in her life), etc. The Doctor also wrote that I was defensive, in denial, and angry when she "confronted my need for therapy." (This punctuated by three exclamation points.) My actual response was "Hmm, I'll have to think about that." (I was excessively polite to this woman!) Is there any way I can report this woman for her obvious attempt to make money off the MO? (She stated that her other WLS clients always choose therapy in lieu of surgery--which isn't surprising, considering that the surgeons in Missouri require all initial psych disqualifications to be overturned by the initial reporting psychologist.)How do I alert referring physicians of her scheme? (I have all the medical records in writing, if that helps.) I'm sorry this is so long, but I want to ensure that nobody else is subjected to her manipulations. Thank you!!    — Stephanie M. (posted on July 23, 2003)

July 23, 2003
AMOS MOD NOTE. <P> Stephanie I approved this post less the doctors name. Athough I agree with your statements about the poor care we cant approve posts that slam doctors. I would of notified you by e mail but your profile is private.
   — bob-haller

July 23, 2003
I always recommend patients use the support doctors their surgeon recommends. Surgeons are aware of the unsupportive money hungry doctors and dont recommend them for their patients. I had this sort of problem with a pulmonary doc, its in my profile. Speaking of that today is my 2 year birthday:) MUST update my profile today!!!
   — bob-haller

July 23, 2003
I would locate your local psychology board (like the board of medical examiners for psychologists). I don't know what state you are in so I don't know where to refer you, but you could call another psychologist's office and ask them where to report a therapist or call your local chamber of commerce for information. File a complaint. Hopefully anyone that wants to use her in the future will do what anyone should do and check her out for complaints before they enlist her services.
   — beeda

July 23, 2003
Did your insurance pay for the visit? If so, tell them. They should know about it. Also, call the licensing board in your state to file a compliant. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 24, 2003
Missouri State Committee of Psychologists EMAIL: ADDRESS: 3605 Missouri Blvd. P.O. Box 1335 Jefferson City, MO 65192-1335 (573) 751-0099
   — kultgirl

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