Was wondering if any ahs had a bowel obstruction?

Yes, I am here with another quetion and was wondering if anyone has had a bowel obstruction after having surgery or know of anyone who did and was wondering what was the symptoms of having one is? My doc thought I had one but took a at scan and found out that I didn't but I am still having some pain. Thanks for the info!    — Melodee S. (posted on May 26, 2003)

May 26, 2003
Melodee, I haven't had a bowel obstruction, but I do know that they can't always be detected with a CT scan -- especially if the obstruction is in the bilio-pancreatic limb. Sometimes the only way to tell for sure is with exploratory surgery. If you're still having pain, I would get back to the ER ASAP. The pain is being caused by *something*, and I would refuse to leave until they can tell you what it is. Bowel obstructions can become life-threatening very quickly. Not to scare you, but this is one thing you can't just take a "wait and see" approach on. Good luck!!
   — Tally

May 26, 2003
I had a bowel obstuction a year before my surgery. My symphtoms were nausea, vomiting and being bloated. I was only partially obstructed, thank God, or i would have died before they found it. I had complained for nearly three years and my pcp would just say he didn't know what was wrong. It was found with an upper GI test and I had to have emergency surgery. It is a very serious thing. Make your doc do more tests.
   — Delores S.

May 26, 2003
I agree with the previous posters...and if your doctor isn't willing to be more aggresive in his/her search for the problem then find another doctor. Is there any chance you have a hernia? This too can cause similar issues if your bowel is getting squeezed by muscle. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 27, 2003
I did this past fall(2002) I had my gallbladder out in Oct. and then ended up in the E.R. on thanksgiving morning and ended have it taken care of that night.The pain was very intense, on my right side and then in the middel and in my lower back it was real similar to my Gallbladder pain.I ended up in the hospital for 5 (long)days But the good news is I am doing great I am almost 18 months out( i have gained about 12lbs. but I have already lost 5 of that so it possible to fall off track and then get back on) as of now my health has never been better. I enjoy everyday!!
   — Rho

May 27, 2003
I had an Open RNY 6/21/01 and hit my goal 1 year post-op, from 300 lbs. to 150! Hooray! To answer your question I did have a bowel obstruction in Feb. of this year. The pain was excruciating and it took 8 days to be diagnosed correctly. Once I returned to my WLS surgeon, she diagnosed it right away and I was operated on ASAP. My small bowel had become wrapped around a flap of scar tissue and was being strangulated. She fixed me up and after an 8 day hosptial stay I went home. Is it related to my WLS? She said it can't be blamed directly on it as the scar tissue could have been from a prior abdominal surgery or my tubal ligation. It was down very low so probably more likely from the tubal scar tissue. Anyway, keep pursuing it if the pain persists, and if you haven't seen your WLS surgeon yet, be sure you do, they are pretty well versed in bowel obstructions. I was surprised to find the physical recovery was much harder from the bowel obstruction than the WLS surgery, alot more pain and it just took longer. Good luck and hope you find out what is wrong. Feel free to write if you have anymore questions about it.
   — ALF

May 27, 2003
I had small bowel obstruction that resulted in hospitalstay for a few days . this was 4 months before my surgery and was caused by mega number of adhesions around small bowel. They were able to relax bowels enough at that time to avoid surgery then because I knew I was scheduled for surgery obstruction was 7/2002 and RNY open was done 12/2002 and at that time adhesions were removed along with a hernis repair t
   — Gail H.

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