I have never been depressed before. Never but now I think that I am. Anyone else?

Let me explian a little further what is going on...My surgeon put me on a liquid protein diet that I haven't really been able to follow but I have been watching what I eat and I ahve lost 12 pounds. As soon as I started losing the weight and I have been moody, depressed, cranky, and my monthly cycle has been messed up. I have been doing this since April 1st and I have already had 2 monthly's(I do get really bad PMS symptoms normally anyway)so for the last month it has been horrible here. I still have three more weeks before my next appointment with the surgeon and I plan to follow his liquid plan from now until then so I am now wondering if this is going to get worse before it gets better. Have any of you ever had this happen before or after surgery? Is it related to the weight loss or could this be more phycological? I have to stress that I have never been depressed before even when I was losing weight. I usually feel really good when I lose weight.    — S C. (posted on April 27, 2003)

April 27, 2003
I recommend talking to your doc about starting an SSRI antidepressant like Paxil, Prozac or Celexa. Its a bumpy ride and I dont think we should suffer if there is help out there. God Bless!
   — k r.

April 27, 2003
I have recently read that during weight loss etrogen is realeased form fat cells which in turn can cause some serious mood swings. Maybe contact your physician and see if your level sare really high then go from there.
   — Ilene G.

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