Would a bellybutton infection have anything to do with a hernia or bowel obstruction?

Iam 13months post op/ open rny. I have lost 140 pounds and im 4 pouns from goal. Recently (last three weeks) i've just not been myself. I thought i was able to eat more and not get full so they did upper gi. Everything was fine, pouch still 4-5 oz. However, the doc said that my fluid did move through much quicker than normal, but that everything was fine. I experienced alot of chest pain that did go away after a week or so. I drank wine the other night and had the WORST most Painful indigestion i've ever had. Then in the last couple of days i've developed a belly button infection! I've never had one, but it is definitely infected and terribly sore around the naval area. Is this a hernia? What avenue would i look to for what it could be? Thanks so much for your help. Darlene N.    — darlene N. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
sounds to me like you've got an infected belly button :>) Mind you that's just my totally unprofessional opinion and if you're really afraid it's more than that you should check with your doctor. I've heard it's very common to get infections in the belly button as you lose a lot of weight as it makes the belly button hang down more closed and traps moisture in it. Try pouring a capful of peroxide down it three or four times a day and see if it clears up. A hernia would have a bulge (usually) and rarely causes infections. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 30, 2006
I have the same problem. My belly button is red, it oozes, and smells bad. If any one has any thing on this please respond. I had a cat scan today to see if I had adhesians, or something on the other side. I also am looking for any info that will help me get a TT. My insurance is UHC.
   — deborahdevaney

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