How do you celebrate your wt loss without food?

Im exactly 6 months post op and 3 lbs short of reaching my 6 month goal.... but hey 3 lbs is nothing - so I wanna celebrate anyway!! Well, I realize I cant celebrate with food - because food is what got me to need wls in the first place... so I was wondering if you guys have ideas out there.    — Valerie H. (posted on January 2, 2003)

January 2, 2003
Shopping on ebay!
   — Diana L.

January 2, 2003
Go out and buy yourself a new outfit! JR
   — John Rushton

January 2, 2003
one word JEWELRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — paulsgirl

January 2, 2003
Retail Therapy!!!!
   — Carol S.

January 2, 2003
Do I have to pick just one?? :o) Congratulations on your success!! All of the suggestions by the other posties sounds good.. I would treat myself to a spa treatment (the works). If my checkbook allows it, I would take a weekend vacation somewhere I've never been. When it warms up, riding an amusement park ride with my kids and not worrying about getting stuck or breaking the ride. Good luck finding something! Have fun!
   — Lynn E.

January 2, 2003
hi there :) at the 100 lost mark, i rewarded myself with a small tat on my ankle, i reward myself with smaller clothes from time to time. i am a doll collector so i also get a new porcelain doll too. :)
   — carrie M.

January 2, 2003
Get a massage!
   — Angie M.

January 2, 2003
To the dismay of my wallet, I have become a clothes hound.
   — Goldilauxx B.

January 2, 2003
What is one of the things you couldn't do before? Ride a rollercoaster? horseback riding? take up a sport that you had to give up? I'm taking up skiing again as soon as it snows enough here (Seattle)
   — Kris T.

January 2, 2003
   — Vicki L.

January 2, 2003
That is a good one question. Food is so cheap too, and it makes you feel full (fullfilled) even though it is a temporary "fix". I would do something to celebrate your metamorphises....aromatherapy? purchase music cd? T-shirt that says " I got to my 6 month goal and my friends bought me this shirt" Get your hair shampood and styled? What ever you pick have fun and enjoy your celebration! Congratulations!!!
   — Meg L.

January 2, 2003
I think food is a very natural and social way to celebrate. Nearly all of our significant celebrations have food as a part of them. If you want a social celebration then my advice is have food, just have food that works for you. Some of my special party foods: Boiled Crab (hard to eat, lots of work, takes a long time to eat a little) Steamed clams (same deal), deviled eggs, spicy foods (the heat slows me wayyyy down). Don't abandon food, just make it work for you. This is key in having long term success. Private rewards for me are not food-centered. I like a weekend away, a trip to the spa or to get my nails done, shopping the clearance racks for cheap clothes, jewelry, or just an hour in a beautiful park. This life offers so much for us, we need to explore all aspects of it.
   — Cara F.

January 2, 2003
Valerie, Hi there, what I found myself doing was making little goals and then giving myself incentives, at 50 pounds, I started getting my nails done, at 80 pounds, I started tanning, now since I'm past the 100 pound mark, I was thinking clothing and nore clothing (maybe) becuase I'd still like to loose about 30-40 more pounds..... Girl go out and spend the money on yourself, spulrge ! and have fun, the money we used to use buying take out food and fast food, is nothing compared to the money I spend now, for fitness, nails, tanning...... Ya I know, I sound high manitenance.... but I'm healthly and living life to the fullest.... find other ways to congratulate yourself... Ps. when I reach goal I planing on a trip to Hawaii and being scuba certified. "What a reward" Smile I'm 7 months post op and down 113 pounds
   — tannedtigress

January 2, 2003
My original goal was a tatoo for 200 lb mark. But that came to quick so I moved that one back to 150 lbs. I just wasn't ready. Get a manicure, new hair, new outfit. I want a facial or a massage for my next short term goal. All of these pampering things I never felt good enough about myself to do for me I now am going to do. Also I have found a love aside from my amazing hubby and son. SHOPPING. Congrats and enjoy yourself.
   — pcollin4

January 2, 2003
   — barbara A.

January 2, 2003
Cute clothes....the ultimate treat!!
   — Samantha S.

January 2, 2003
GO SHOPPING!!!!! It's amazing how awesome new clothes can make you feel.
   — pam29922

January 2, 2003
For my 100 lbs. mark I got a beautiful tattoo of a rose and butterfly. Got a gift certificate for Christmas to pay for it and actually weighed in 2 days after Christmas at 100 down! When I reach goal I'm buying a new leather coat! I'm still wearing my size 3X winter coat since I just bought it last winter at Lane Bryant and I'm too cheap and broke to buy a new one! Although on mild winter days I now steal my DH's beloved Dale Earnhardt jacket :) So nice to fit into his jackets :) - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -100lbs.
   — Anna L.

January 2, 2003
Clothes, shouting from the rooftops, shoes, having your picture made - there are all sorts of things. Go to a day spa and get madeover. Reward yourself with something you couldn't or wouldn't have done before.
   — Patty_Butler

January 2, 2003
Congratulations to you! I've always wanted to go to one of those Day Spas and get a massage, and body wrap, etc. I've always been too embarrassed about how I look to do it before I lose weight. Shoes and clothes shopping never hurts! Another suggestion is you might get a family portrait done, or one done of you and your husband. I've always hated having my pic taken, but it would be a great way to celebrate the new me! Good luck to you!
   — Kimberly S.

January 2, 2003
Hi there, Valerie! A friend of mine and I had along discussion about this very subject! We have on our list, getting new make-up, jewlery, something pretty that we may have always wanted, like lingerie, a book, I suggested a movie or music! I bought myself small 5 lbs dummbell's to celebrate my losing 80 lbs and to help get rid of my bat-wings. My husband bought me 2 CD's, because I love music. When I hit my century mark, I plan on getting a complete makeover. I do like the idea of a massage or even things from Bath and bodyworks and take a long bubblebath! The hamsters are running in my brain now. lol. Have fun and congrats on the weight loss. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 80 lbs.
   — Vi F.

January 2, 2003
i buy myself sexy underwear! it makes me feel so good knowing i can!
   — sheryl titone

January 2, 2003
Go have your hair done. Go have a makeover done or your make-up updated. Get a massage (feet/leg massages are wonderful) or go for some tanning sessions. Go and get your picture made at one of those Glamor Shot studios. They do your hair and make-up and it's wonderful for your ego!
   — Cathy S.

January 3, 2003
I see no problem in celebrating with food. In fact, that's still my favorite way to celebrate. I love going out to eat now that I have such POWER over my food choices! It feels great to leave a restaurant knowing I had the healthiest thing on the menu!
   — mandajuice

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