What could be causing the pain in my stomach?

i am almost three months post op. i just started exercizing. i bike 1hour every day...since i started biking i've had some pain on either side of my stomach, next to my incision. Basically in the center of my stomach..what could this be? there is no bump to indicate a hernia and it's not unbelievably painful, it just feels like a dull ache when i move around. also, i had a bowel movement last night and felt an odd sensation near my bellybutton..i try not to push when i go to the bathroom but my stomach tensed and i had to..well, then i felt a popping sensation near my happened again the next day when i threw's not almost feels like my incisions are snapping...(which i think is completely impossible because at nearly three months those incisions have absorbed into my body, right?)has anyone experienced anything similar to this?    — Becca P. (posted on December 16, 2002)

December 15, 2002
Becca, I have the same feeling and I'm 4 mos post. It's a dull pain in the upper part of my belly under my breasts. I also have occasional swelling their as well. I work out 6 days a week. I have been trying to figure this out. My next docs appt. is in a couple wks. Maybe its working those muscles in our bellies. I also bike ride daily. I know it can't be a hernia. Beth
   — Elizabeth C.

December 15, 2002
The pain could be coming from adhesions or it could be a hernia - or muscles fussing at you. My surgeon explained to me that there are two kids of hernias - the ones where the intestines push through, thus the knot and the ones that just sort of cave in. Also, with a hernia, the bulge isn't always there. Ask your doctor, he is the one who can diagnose your problem.
   — Patty_Butler

December 17, 2002
Becca, this does not seem to be anything to be taken lightly. I would not want to alarm you, but you should be calling your surgeon. Our surgery was a major event and when we feel that things aren't just right, we should not hesitate calling our surgeons. Don't be concerned about bothering your doctor, because we just don't know what could be going on. I am not one to go to the doctor very often. In fact, I don't go at times when I should. But I will tell you this. This is the first major surgery that I have ever had and I may be a little paranoid. But you can bet your booties that if I think that something is not just right, I will be calling. Good Luck and God Bless!
   — Kathy C.

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