tugging/pulling near where the g tube was

Hi all, I can't seem to find any good answers about this one so I need Y'all to help me please!! I am 7 weeks post op and have been doing great so far but for the past few days I have felt not really a PAIN, but more like a tugging/pulling sensation near where the g tube was on the left side..I mean I'm not doubled over in pain or anything like that but its just "there" for a few days and was wondering if anyone knows what this could be or did anyone else have this happen to them?? thanks everyone!! Lori    — Lori M. (posted on December 8, 2002)

December 8, 2002
I felt the exact same thing for up to about 6 weeks. It felt like something inside of me was being stretched. Like my intestin was being stretched like a rubberband. I'm 8 weeks post op and it's just about gone.
   — Stacy L.

December 8, 2002
I had this happen as well and it made matters worse because I had pulled a muscle in that area. The first few days it wasn't bad but within about a week and a half, it was down right painful. I had virtually no pain from my lap rny so I hadn't taken any of the Percusets, but I was popping them once that pain came on. It was really bad. A friend told me that it was the "old" stomach contracting because it was starving. I don't know for sure though. It finally all completely stopped around 3 weeks and then I had my tube taken out at 6 weeks...Good luck to you!! ...........Karen (lap rny- 09/20/02- down 77 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

December 8, 2002
I had the same pain while my tube was still in. It hurt really bad when I got up or down. When the dr removed it he found a stitch that his assistant forgot to remove. When that came out it was immediate relief. You could also have a stitch on the inside that hasn't desolved yet.
   — Tawnda C.

December 8, 2002
I too had this sensation, it started getting really painful around my 8 week check up. When I questioned the surgeon he told me that it would soon go away that it was a common thing, he said it was scar tissue forming where the g-tube had been. Hope that helps.
   — Christine B.

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