Giving a urine sample can be tough, if not impossible, when you're overweight.

Has anyone heard of "Tru-Catch"? I've heard it takes the trauma out of giving a urine sample. I'm all for eliminating any indignity associated with obesity... does anybody know about Tru-Catch?    — Bj G. (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
Definitely ask for a "hat" when you do your sample. EVERY doctor has them, just ask. They most often are used for children. (Thats how I found out about them) but anyone can use them. The disabled, elderly who are unstable, people with back problems who can't bend. In other words you shouldn't feel at all odd about asking for one. Heck, I don't have problems now but still use one. Its lots less messy. Just remember to sit forward a bit on the toilet so you don't miss it when you urinate.
   — Shelly S.

October 21, 2002
Hi Everybody, I delved further and found info about Tru-Catch... and the difference between it and the "hat". The hat is most often used for measuring output and is too expensive for a doctor to use everytime. The Tru-Catch is positionable on the commode while patient is sitting. It's the only one on the market that obtains a urine, stool and clean-catch sample in one container, is disposable, and less expensive than a hat. Surely, it will become standard procedure to use the product. About time!
   — Bj G.

October 21, 2002
Sorry for everyone in having such a hard time in getting one of those things. I have seen the more expensive thick plastic ones but at my docs office they use a disposable "hat" - at least they call it that. It does have lines for measuring output. They use it as I said below for just catching urine but they also send those home for people who do their feces collection sets at home. At least in the doctors office's I've been its been no biggy. They keep a big stack of them in the bathroom for anyone who might need them and my regular doc used to regularly send them home with me (no questions asked) for me to get urine specimens from an uncooperative child. In fact I think I still have a couple hid away on the bottom shelf in my bathroom. Can't help but wonder why you all want to buy these? Are you collecting specimens at home? Or have you asked your doc & they really don't have them?
   — Shelly S.

October 22, 2002
this may sound funny but i used to bring a pair of kitchen tongs with me to hold on to the pee cup when i had to give a sample, it worked!!!
   — Carol M.

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