Has anyone had a constant period?

I'm 7 months post op lap RNY. My cycle was regular before and after surgery until about 6 months post op. Since then I have my period more days than not. Not just bleeding, the whole moodiness, cramps, achy breasts thing as well. I've heard of women not getting their period after surgery, but I'd like to know if what I'm experiencing is normal for post ops or if I should be concerned. I have GYN appointment scheduled but it isn't for a month yet.    — Marcy M. (posted on October 19, 2002)

October 19, 2002
Hi there, I had surgery Aug. 7th and have had my period since. I am on Depo so I really don't know if this has anything to do with it but hopefully it will normalize.
   — TP

October 19, 2002
Your gyn will have wonderful drugs for you take to help clear this up--and the regimen is only about 5-10 days long.Sometimes though a D&C is indicated to just help reset everything. Good Luck
   — Wannabe A.

October 19, 2002
I had something similar happen pre-op (many years pre-op) and turned out I had an STD. I strongly suggest a visit to your gyn just to be on the safe side!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 19, 2002
Continual bleeding is not normal. I had something like that happen to me before as well (I'm preop - one week to go). My Gyn had a medication to make me stop bleeding. It worked wonders. Get this checked out sooner rather than later. I ended up anemic since I'd been bleeding non-stop which is also not good.
   — Vicki R.

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