Has anyone post-op have to go to a counciler?

I am 6 mths Post op. I have been real stressed to get the weight off. I have lost 130 lbs , some would say that is very good. Not to me. I have slipped into a depression slowly but surley due to not thinking i have lost enouph weight. I care way to much about what other people think about me. I have alot of people that look up to me because they are in the process of trying to get WLS, and dont want to let them down. Is this normal am i the only one out there that feels bad like this?    — Amanda G. (posted on October 8, 2002)

October 8, 2002
I am not sure about the councelor thing, but I wanted to say that 130 lbs is REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD!! 130 lb in 6 months??? You've lost a WHOLE PERSON off your body...that is really good. I can understand if that is hard to see, but
   — thekatinthehat

October 8, 2002
Dear Amanda, I understand how you feel. Of course, that means I probably can't help you. But, I wanted you to know that I too have thought about starting to see a therapist to deal with the reasons why I still get depressed, why I return to the same vices, and why even though I feel great, great, great at times...I also feel like I don't want to get out of bed others. I guess none of these have to do with having been heavy, just as they don't have anything to do with not being that heavy anymore. Bottom line is that if there is something about you, that you can't help yourself with then maybe seeing an objective person such as a counselor may be exactly what you need. Best wishes.
   — PaulaM

October 8, 2002
If you can afford counseling, go for it. Counseling can be very helpful even if you're NOT depressed. I'd be in counseling like a shot if I could afford it (or had health insurance). Change of any kind is hard for most people to deal with, and we on this board are dealing with the most fundamental kind of change, the drastic change of not only our bodies, but our entire concept of ourselves. I say, find somebody knowledgeable to talk to. And by the way, I'm nine months post-op, and I've "only" lost 120 lbs. You're doing fabulous.
   — Roxanne M.

October 9, 2002
hiya amanda...first off, congrats on your "loss"!! that is amazing! i am a huge advocate of counseling...been going for years and will continue to go - it is so wonderful to have an objective person to bounce my thoughts off of. i would certainly try to find one who has some kind of wls experience because i think we go through unique issues - losing such a substantial amount of weight can mess with your head! it has with mine...i mean, i'm soooo happy to be where i'm at but i still have body image issues and our body chemistry and hormones get all wacky post op (i personally don't think the docs know ALL of the after effects of this surgery) also if you don't belong to one, i highly recommend joining a wls support group. studies have shown that wls patients need a minimum of 3 years post op support. if there isn't one locally you can find plenty online. feel free to email me anytime! [email protected] {{hugs}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

October 9, 2002
When I was 2-3 weeks post-op, I went through a big bout with depression. I never dod go to a counselor, but should have. This surgery does a number on your whole body and takes a toll on your emotions. It is jut really hard to juggle everything involved with your new lifestyle. I would suggest going a talking to someone. It always helps. Make sure and get someone who is covered by your insurance, if applicable, because it is more than likely available to be covered. Hope this helps!
   — sammygirlwpc

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