Comment: The skim milk diet really helping me prepare for life as a post-op.

There are many posts discussing the requirement many surgeons make of their patients pre-op: the need to lose weight in the weeks before surgery. My doctors are now requiring all pre-ops to go on a skim milk only diet. You get to drink as much milk as you want in a 5 - 10 minute period three times a day. You have to take two Centrum regular vitamins each day and keep your non-calorie, non-caffinated liquid intake up. I've been on this diet now for a week and I've lost 11 pounds. The first five or six days were very difficult. But as I started coming out of the hunger fog, I found that there were three additional benefits for me: (1) I'm actively looking forward to the post-op diet because it includes things other than milk! (2) Just 11 pounds has made a big difference in my ability to be active...stairs aren't as big a problem, walking is easier, and I'm fitting in chairs better. (3) I'm going through any sugar, caffeine, chewing withdrawals NOW rather than after surgery when I'll be needed that emotional energy to help me heal. Anyway, even if the last week was the hardest of my life, I'm glad that my surgeons have instituted this new policy! Cheers, Katherine (9/12 here I come...)    — Katherine M. (posted on August 22, 2002)

August 22, 2002
Ahh would anyone who on on such a diet, and if its a special case or requirement for every patient please drop me a email with this info and the surgeons name and phone number. I am collecting this info for my surgeons group, they said they had never heard of this. Frankly your better than me, I could of never done a milk only diet.... [email protected]
   — bob-haller

August 22, 2002
I don't want you to take this as a flame, but that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard. Sounds to me that they're getting on the latest fad research diet craze (re: that recent article about milk helping weight loss). Next week they'll be a new fad diet. This in no way helps someone develop healthy eating habits as a post-op. Sorry, JMHO.
   — Leslie F.

August 22, 2002
What if you are lactose intolerant...or like, me could not be paid drink milk either before or after surgery? Sorry, I know milk is healthy, but YUCK! But, hey, if it is working for you, more power to ya!!! Best wishes on your surgery!
   — PaulaM

August 23, 2002
I am so sorry that they have implemented such a ridiculous diet for you and so many others. I have never heard of such. That cannot be healthy. There is a load of sugar in milk, in fact, there are many here on this board who will not touch the stuff!! Did you know that we are the only creatures on earth that continue drinking milk past infancy? What is wrong with that picture? I do have some from time to time, but really try to stay away from the stuff. I hope your surgeons get informed. And please research them a little further before they put a knife to you. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

August 23, 2002
Katherine, I think it is wonderful that it has helped you. You clearly stated 3 things that aresomething we all go through post-op, and many people have trouble going from the "last meal" phase to a liquid/puree diet. They feel deprived rather than , like you, looking forward to the expansion of your choices. same with the withdrawls from caffeine/sugar. When I first read your doctors requirments, I also thought..WHAT??? But reading on, I see what it did for you, I do not know why your doctor chooses that pre-op plan, so I cannot comment on it, but I just want to say that you sound mentally & emotionally ready for this wonderful journey you are about to start, my positive thoughts are with you!
   — Patricia R.

August 23, 2002
Katherine's profile says she is on a skim-milk only diet, for a full month pre-op, to try to reduce a fatty liver. I can see where this would wean you from caffeine and bad foods (well, all foods), and I'm glad Katherine is feeling strong and motivated. But at three glasses of milk a day, eight ounces apiece, that's about 25 grams of protein a day and 250 calories or so. Those numbers go up if you can force more than eight ounces in during the five to ten minutes you have to drink it (how odd they measure the unit in time, and not by amount of milk). It's shocking how different some of the doctors are in their pre-op requirements. This is certainly the most unusual requirement I've seen so far. Personally, unless there's some explanation we're all missing here, there's no way I would ever weaken myself in this manner prior to major surgery.
   — Suzy C.

August 23, 2002
It's Katherine again...sorry I wasn't clear. I drink as much milk as I want in 5 - 10 minutes three times a day. That means 3 - 4 cups of milk three times a day plus I can have one glass at bedtime. I going through a gallon of milk every day and a half.
   — Katherine M.

August 23, 2002
I was thinking that there may be a secondary benefit from this diet, becoming more lactose tolorant post op. After wls milk has started to affect me like milk of magnesia. Drinking milk only as your source of calories should increase the amount of lactase produced along the small bowel. This could help prevent future lactose intolorance. But to be honest, I've really grown to love soy milk-it's awsome!
   — DrQ

August 27, 2002
Katherine again here...I am still convinced that this is a good thing but from day to day I question it. One thing hit home last night though; I was considering another "last meal" just before surgery. And it hit me (with the help of my husband), if I'm committed to this process, then I need to stick with it. Really I'm in no different space now than I will be in 9 months. At 9 months, I will be able to eat most things if I drink when I eat, snack...etc. Just because I can eat now and I'm choosing not to is giving me a clear taste of what life will be like forever. So for right this minute I'm sticking with my skim milk!
   — Katherine M.

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