How can I get help to pay for my pyscalogical evaluation?

I was told by one Dr that she wanted the money yup front and they I could file and another Dr said my insurance will not cover the type of evaluatin I need are there resourses that will help me pay for it?? HELP!!!!!    — ivory1974 (posted on August 13, 2002)

August 13, 2002
hello, i'm sorry to say that i've not heard of anyone getting the psych eval paid for by insurance (at least in california). i paid $200 and was told that i could submit it to health net and request they pay but i didn't bother since they hadn't paid anyone else. maybe someone else had better luck... kate
   — jkb

August 13, 2002
I was in the same boat as you, but thankfully I contacted my surgeon's nurse who gave my the name of a psychatrist that they used sometimes. She said that she knew he didn't charge as much as most places. I knew that many people here at AMOS said the eval was around $400 and she said she thought it was like $200. I was worried still cause I didn't even have $200! But when I called, I was floored when he told me $80!!!!! Now, that was doable. Call your doctor's office or even your local mental health facility. They usually charge due to your income. Good luck!
   — karmiausnic

August 13, 2002
My insurance required the psych evaluation so they HAD to pay for it. If your insurance company is requiring it and has to pay for it, call them and explain the problem you're having with that counselor and see if they can give you some other names. If your surgeon is requiring it, perhaps they can give you other names and those counselors won't make you pay up front. Bottom line is, whatever insurance doesn't pay for and is not written off per contract, is still our responsibility. Good luck!
   — Nell C.

August 13, 2002
I have PHS/Healthnet. Mine was paid for 80/20...Submit it, and they should cover it if you have met your deductible. If not, chose a dtr in your planfor the evaluation but be prepared that this dtr may not have a clue as to what an insurance company is looking for to determine emotional readiness for surgery.
   — heathercross

August 13, 2002
Hello: I have Pacific Care HMO and they paid all of mine except for my $10. deductible....I went thru the referral thing from my PCP and it WAS covered....
   — Joi G.

August 13, 2002
Hi Natalie, I have Healthnet (Healthcare Partners) and I called my medical group and asked for a referral. At first they said no, but when I told them "you guys are requring this" in order for me to have the surgery, they said ok and gave me a referral. It cost me $20 for the office visit and $35 for the letter of recommendation.
   — Lady D.

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