Did anyone with Sarcoidosis and taking prednisone have WLS?

Hi, Can you tell me if anyone here has or has had sarcoidosis and taken prednisone and had the wls? I am taking methotrexate ,prednisone and plaqunil and I was wonding if anyone had this disease or was taking these meds when they had surgery. Thanks Alexa email is [email protected]    — Alexandra P. (posted on July 30, 2002)

July 31, 2002
Hey Alexandra- I've have Sarcoidosis since 1995. I am not currently taking prednisone any longer but I do credit the Prednisone for putting me in this weight loss situation. I put on 75 pound in the year that I was on it. I can tell you that it wasn't an issue with the surgery or follow up care at all. It was merely a piece of info that went onto my chart when I was being admitted. I hope you are doing well with the illness. My main worry with having Sarco was that I was going to have another episode that would require more Prednisone and I would have to deal with putting on even more weight, so having it DID play another part in having the surgery done. Good luck to you! - Mike
   — Michael N.

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