HOw do we reassure family?

I cried from a broken heart yesterday when my oldest sweetest son ducked hishead to avoid me see his tears. my 2 boys are so afraid I will die from this surgery. Even as I write this I have a knot in my throat and tears in my eyes, how do we assure our love ones about the surgery. I feel so ashamed of myself and selfish for not being able to do this on my own. My surgery is in 15 days and I know without a doubt I have to do this.( A man 6 blocks down died in his home of a hear attack yes obesity was the cause) I just don't know how to handle this. Help if you can.    — Lisa W. (posted on July 11, 2002)

July 11, 2002
To reassure your children, you MUST be (or give the impression of being) totally unconcerned about it yourself. Is anyone your children knows telling them that you might die during surgery? Where did they get this idea? Stress to them that this won't kill you, instead it will make you healthier! Be excited when you explain that the surgery will enable you to ride a bike with them, and do other things with them as well. If you are worried, they will pick up on that! You will do just fine, dear, and your life will be altered forever .... in a GOOD way! :) Maryjane
   — photographer45

July 11, 2002
You poor dear. What a tough situation. Hang in there. You just have to get through the next 15 days. I can tell you that once I was through the surgery part, Everyone got much more excited abut this surgery for me, and later when they saw my energy returning, they were even happier. This is definitely a hard part hang in there. T
   — Tracey L.

July 11, 2002
Lisa, first of all, are you passing on your nervousness to your kids-kids are very perceptive. If they see you worry or fret, they will too. So put a positive spin on it for them. Shouldn't be hard to do as you tell them of all the fun things mom will finally be able to do with them, like fit on carnival rides, water slides, bike ride, chase them'll be fine and in fact are taking a positive step to ensure that you are around to see your kids grow up
   — Cindy R.

July 11, 2002
I guess I should have told you my boys are 20 and 23yrs old, and I have been so positive on my journey to WLS, but their fear is still there.
   — Lisa W.

July 11, 2002
I would let them know the dangers and risks of death due to obesity. Let them know that life is short any route you take. They need to not fear death as God is the only one knows when and where we going to go home with him. Let you sons know that if you don't do will most definitly die from obesity. That God gave you the opportunity for this surgery and you want to take it because you know that it is what will let you live longer and enjoy what time you have left. I think that if you show them you are not afraid of the surgery that they will tend to feel the same way. Make a few jokes too to keep things lite. Like...If I were you son, I would be afraid of how I will beat you at (sport) once my weight is off! LOL Take care hon, you will prove that this surgery is a life saver not a killer!
   — Michelle J.

July 11, 2002
My brothers are 22 and 26 and both of them are very scared for me. My oldest brother works in surgery and has seen some things go wrong, and he doesn't want me to be the "one" it happens to. I have prayed about this for 2 years now and I feel it's the right thing to do, that I am educated and ready. I have shared the good and the bad. I think maybe sometimes they are afraid to lose us. Like I am always there now. Just reassure them, and feel very privileged that your boys are so genuine and have done a great job raising two boys that have feelings! I think that is awesome. My prayers are with you!
   — MF

July 11, 2002
I'm only in the process of having this done, however, everyone is very supportive except for my parents. It makes me feel bad, but it's because they are scared. I found this site and I printed out the letter and let my mom read it. sometimes someones fears gets in the way of what the best thing to do is. And no matter how much people love us and want the best, unless the person is dealing with the pain and problems of the weight they may never fully understand. Tell your sons you love them, try to keep the subjected lighthearted(so it doesn't seem to scary) and get them involved. Show them tons of information. A good thing is to let them read postings of all the people who have had the surgery and are ok and how happy they are. People feel more control if they are more informed. good luck. feel free to email me wioth any questions kelli
   — kelli L.

July 11, 2002
TAKE A POST OP TO DINNER! Find one who has lost a good bit of weight, and have them talk of the changes in their life. See they CAN still eat a nice meal:) Or take your family to a support group meeting. Either should help their fears. Thats what I did. Both pre op and post op to help others...
   — bob-haller

July 11, 2002
I thibk BOB had a great idea! It will be comforting to you too. My best friend was so anti surgery for herself, supportive for me. Now that I am 2 months post op and she see's how "normal: my life is, not to mention my great weight loss! She asked me to take her to the meeting about WLS my surgeon has this week!!!!!! So seeing is believing. Granted, each person needs to make their own decision and take responsability for it and everyone reacts differently. But when you actually see a WLS postop living normally it makes a big impression.
   — robyn R.

July 12, 2002
My youngest son was very scared about my having the surgery. He wrote me a letter and gave it to me a few days before my surgery telling me how he felt. One of the things he suggested to help him (Unfortunately he didn't tell me this earlier) was that if he'd been able to attend support group meetings with me, he may have understood it all better. I didn't even think he'd be interested in something like that.......but obviously I was wrong. I think having them attend the support groups and involving them as much as possible in the whole process would really help. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery on your surgery!
   — jeannieree

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