HELP ! I don't know how much time to take off work

I do will be having an open RNY on Sept.19 and I also do home daycare and I don't have any idea how much time to take off. I took 2 weeks off for my last c section and was perfectly ok with it so I was thinking 2 weeks would be ok.I will have someone with me for 4 weeks to help lift(2 babies) Is that a good time frame? Any answers appreciated. Thanks    — Tina C. (posted on June 27, 2002)

June 26, 2002
I decided to use my short term disability and took 4 weeks off from work. The reasoning behind this was when I had lap gallbladder removal, it took me 3-4 months to recover so I decided that with the Open RNY, I wanted to take the most time I could. With preloading my protein prior to surgery, I actually was feeling much better at 2 weeks, but still wanted to use the time to completely recover. I hope this helps. (60" distal RNY 08/28/01 - 95 lbs forever!!)
   — trtorrey

June 27, 2002
Hi Christina. I had LAP RNY and was ready to work in 2wks. My father had OPEN RNY and is age 59, poor health (diabetes, high BP, back pain, etc.). He was able to go back to work in 3wks without a problem. He was amazed at how well he felt in 3wks time. He originally anticipated on staying out about 6wks. I think that if you have assistance, and DO NOT lift any babies, that you will be fine. If you have the capability to leave and rest for an 1hr or so, if needed, that is even better. Best wishes on your journey. ~ Debbie
   — Deborah F.

June 27, 2002
My surgeon filled out the paperwork for my employer requesting 4 weeks, and in the end extended it to 6 weeks. This is a hard question to answer because it really is something that varies from person to person. I've heard of some people who've gone grocery shopping the day after they got out of the hospital, while at the same time I could hardly do any bending or stretching until the last of my staples came out. I would suggest you plan on your 2 weeks, but make sure you have an option to extend that time if you need to, as well as extend the time you'll have assistance when you do go back full-time.
   — Kasey K.

June 27, 2002
The Kaiser Bariatric program tells you to take off 6 weeks, lap or open. I work p.t. from home and went back to work at five weeks, but in a very limited capacity. I think it was too soon for me. I'm eight weeks post-op today and as far as the tiredness, I'm just STARTING to feel a little bit more normal. I think it varies from person to person. Age is a factor (I'm 48), and I'm also dealing with a chronic illness, fibromyalgia, which has the components of slow healing and chronic fatigue. So I'm a weird one. Again, everyone will be different in their healing. Also, NO LIFTING over 20 lbs. for at least SIX weeks...very important! And Kaiser even said don't lift over 10 lbs. for the first two weeks. I obeyed, and did not get an incisional hernia or otherwise. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 27, 2002
On my additional letter the surgeon wrote 4 - 6 weeks....the people who handle our short term disability, only approved 4 weeks....the surgeon wrote for an be honest...I could not have gone back before 6 weeks. Yesterday was my first day back and everyone took it really easy on me, letting me catch up on emails, calls and mail...a very usually stress free day and I was about to die by 4:30. My back was killing me (I took the heating pad today). If you have someone come in to help you (cuz you will not be able to lift those babies) you may be ok at 4 weeks.
   — Sharon H.

June 27, 2002
I was back to work full-time at two weeks post-op open RNY. Of course, I didn't have any complications and I have an office job that doesn't have any physical demands.
   — Karla K.

June 27, 2002
2 weeks does not sound like enough time to run a day care, even if you are not doing the lifting. You will wear yourself out in no time. In the beginning, you are not getting enough food/calories to give you much energy, and with the healing process from surgery, it takes time to feel well again. Altho I have heard of some who go back to a desk job in 2 weeks, thats not the norm, and you are doing day care, not a desk job. It took me a full 6 weeks to get over the morning nauseousness and gain my energy back. Take care of yourself.
   — Cindy R.

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