Who says my weight loss goal is un realistic or realistic?

I had my initial consultation 3 weeks ago. The person who was interviewing me asked me what my goal weight is. I am 275 now and I said 125. She looked at me square in the eye and said "Do you think that is a realiztic goal"? I told her yes and she kinda gave me a 'look'. I really dont care what number the scale says in the end. I would actually like to get down from a size 28 pants to a size 10 - and when I was a size 10 pants MANY years ago, I was around 125. Should I make it a point to clarify this in the psyche eval? That Im more converned about the size of the pants than the number on the scale? or do I have it backwards?    — Valerie H. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 10, 2002
I think your goal weight or size is right on target, don't let anybody tell you you can't do it, I am post-op 02-27-02 and have lost 71 pounds and 43.5 inches, I am hoping to get to 120 pounds and a size 8 or lower, I am just a little under 5'3" you go girl!! set your golas and go after them!!!!
   — bikerchic

June 10, 2002
It is good to be optimistic, yet you didn't say how tall you were. I am 5 ft 4 inches and started out at 266 almost a year ago and the BMI chart says my goal weight is 135. I had hoped for 145 as I knew that that was a good weight for me previously. I have lost 112 pounds now and am at 154, yet I can wear smalls and mediums in pants (elastic top) and shirts. If the pants or shorts have zippers I wear about a 12 (the belly is baggy). We do look different post-op and we will probably never look exacly like we did at whatever weight we remember (due to age and/or reasons the previous posters indicated), be it 145 or 125, but we will be healthier and feel so much better! We as women do get so hung up on the numbers, don't we? Be it the scale or the size clothes. Do keep in mind that we all lose so differently in this post-op period! I wish you great luck in getting to 125!
   — Molly S.

June 11, 2002
I honestly think that at my psych eval they were more interested in weather or not I was informed about the procedure and that I was concerned about my health. Good luck!
   — DRutherford

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