Is there a minimum age requirement?

Hi I'm 95% sure I want to have the surgery but I am fairly young (23). From what I've read usually a minimum age is 25. As far as qualifications...I definetly have the BMI. Attempted several times to lose weight with very little success. However probably cause of my age I don't really have morbid conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. (But I'm sure I would have them eventually)The only thing I have is asthma which is well controlled. (But obviously I do have times when I feel out of breath).I do however have a family history of cancer. My mother died of breast cancer when I was 15.I will be getting Blue Cross insurance in a few months. Do you think I'll get approved? I'd love to hear from anyone, but especially younger people. Thanks :)    — mzcath (posted on April 30, 2002)

April 30, 2002
Hi! I think the age minimum is generally 18. I am only 21 and almost 4 months post-op. I have Poly-Cystic Ovatian Syndrom (an insulin/hormone imbalance)- my only real cormorbidity. I have a large family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, etc... In my letter to the ins. co. I explained my diet failures and the life I would have to lead with the health complications that would result in remaining Morbidly Obese. I was approved in less than a week. I can happily report that I am almost 50 pounds down and learning my new lifestyle well. If you ever want to talk to a fellow young person, feel free to email me. Good Luck. :)
   — Angela B.

April 30, 2002
25? No way! If you look in the library, you can see other people who have posted concerns on this same thing. I was approved when I was still 22 (23 now), and my angel has been approved and she is only 19. I think if you are under 18 it can be a problem because of consent laws, but I have heard of people under 18 getting it in rare instances. 23 should be no problem getting approval.
   — Jennifer Y.

April 30, 2002
I'm 24 now. I was 23 at the time of surgery. I had no co-morbidities. You should get your insurance, then start consulting with possible surgeons. Good Luck~
   — Kristin R.

April 30, 2002
this documentary i saw on tv a few years ago, was on this girl who had gastric bypass surgery... i'm sure she was around 16 years. i know she did have difficulty trying to have the operation with her being young, but she got it in the end...
   — Louisa M.

April 30, 2002
The age limit that I have heard most people use is 18. I have never heard it being 25. As far as your BMI, you should be OK even if you don't have major health problems. But do you have mobility problems, or knee, ankle hip or back problems. (I had severe knee problems at your age that Dr. said was because of my weight). Cancer really isn't considered a comorbidity of MO, and asthma, even if you do controll it with medication, does count as a comorbidity. I am only 8 weeks post-op and my asthma has completely gone. Give it a try and good luck. I wish there would have been as much about WLS when I was your age and maybe I wouldn't have wasted most of the last 15 years being MO.
   — Dell H.

April 30, 2002
I think maybe the age limits depend on your doctor. My doctor requires everyone to be at least 21, and he will not perform the surgery on anyone over age 55. I think a minimum age requirement of 18 or 21 is pretty normal. You shouldn't have any trouble just because of your age.
   — Kristie B.

May 1, 2002
Hi Cathy! I am 21 yrs. old, and will be having surgery relativly soon. I just got my insurance approval yesterday!! After fighting with them, on a daily basis, for about 2 months. My suggestions for you, would be to do tons of that you can be 100% sure that you do/do not want to do this. And, when you do get your insurance, if they start to give you a hard patient and persistant...the best advice given to me was "the squeaky wheel gets oiled" and let me tell you...this wheel got oiled yesterday!!! I also like you did not have MANY co-morbids. My BMI is high enough to qualify me, and I do have joint problems with my back, etc. I also suspect that I have PCOS, becuase i have SO many of the systems, but can't be properlly diagnosed becuase I have been on the pill since I was 16- to regulate my non-existant period...ironic huh? If you have any other questions...feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
   — Sarah P.

May 1, 2002
Hi Cathy!!! I am fighting my insurance company due to an age stipulation added on AFTER my inital inquiry. They say that the minimum age requirement is 25, I am also 23. How can an insurance company determine at what age you can make a HEALTHY decision in your life? From what I have seen childen in their teens to extreme adulthood have had this surgery. If you feel that you need this surgery, I feel you should go for it. No harm in trying to get approved. Good luck!!!
   — hrussinko

May 1, 2002
I am 21, I had surgery last February. I have United Healthcare PPO. My surgeon is Dr. Nazarian in CA. I had a few co-morbs: Gestational Diabetes, high blood pressure, depresion, joint pain. I hope it all works well for you good luck.
   — M. S.

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