After hearing of another death on the site I went to the Memorial page...

And I noticed that non of the people that have passed reciently are posted on the page. I was just wondering why that is?    — Sassy M. (posted on April 26, 2002)

April 25, 2002
Great question Connie. I have noticed that too and was wondering the exact same thing!
   — Cinda R.

April 25, 2002
Where is the memorial page??????? Thank you!
   — Nell C.

April 25, 2002
To find the memorial page: click on gallery at the top of the message page (or any page that lists it at the top of the page). Next, scan down the left side of the gallery and click on WLS MEMORIAL. After you go to the memorial page, be sure to look at the before and after photos!!

April 26, 2002
Theres a delay, the site owner has to hear officially from a family member. Imagine how distressing it would be if a jerk reported someone died and they were still alive.... Came here to find their profile on the memorial page. <P> Is the memorial page. Note not everyone who is listed died from WLS or side affects. Some sad cases died while wauting for surgery, others in accidents unrelated to obesity.
   — bob-haller

April 26, 2002
Nancy you bet your bottom dollar I went to the befor and after pics after! And I really need to say that is a smart idea for anyone that goes to that page. Follow up the memorial with the sucess. Both really touch my heart>!~
   — Sassy M.

April 26, 2002
Well, I was kind of worried about dieing from the surgery, but decided it was worth taking the chance. I weight 436 lbs, BMI 63, was 37, had severe sleep apnea, High blood pressure, joint problems in knees, hips & back, GERD, High Cholesterol & triglycerides, borderline diabetic/insulin resistance, and severe asthma. My uncle, who was about my size, died of heart failure at 42. I figured that if I didn't do something drastic, I didn't have a lot of time left and that would be a miserable time at that. I figured the .5% chance of dieing from the surgery was well worth the chance of having a normal healthy longer life. So I took the risk and made it. I am 7.5 weeks post-op (open rny) have lost 54 lbs. My insulin resistance has completely disappeared. My asthma has improved to where I haven't even used an inhaler in over a month. My blood pressure is already dropped enough to be off my medications. Haven't had blood work done yet to check that. No more GERD. I still have about 180 lbs to go to reach my goal, but can honestly say that this was one of the best things I have ever done for my health & my life.
   — Dell H.

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