I'm not familiar with this. Is it something all bariatric surgeons require?

I have had a port-a-cath for chemo as well as having to have it due to many lab tests during IV antibiotics. Is the filter similar? As I write I am thinking, probably not.    — Kathy L. H. (posted on March 28, 2002)

March 28, 2002
The Greenfield Filter is put into your Vena-Cave Vein usually inserted throught your neck or groin it is permenately placed.. It is to stop any blood clots from entering your lungs (pulmonary embolisms) duringor after surgery. If your Dr. thinks your at risk for clots he will want to insert it. I know 2 people that have them and you never know its there once its in. check out the web site for all th info you will need about it.. Good Luck!!:):):)
   — Blase K.

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