It's been three days since I've had a bm.

Hi guys, I had an open rny on the 8th of this month, and am still on liquids. I was having regular bm's until a few days's been three days this something to worry about?? Thanks for your help!    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 24, 2002)

February 24, 2002
I used to go about once a day before surgery. Then the first week or so post-op I went all the time. Now (5 1/2 weeks PO), I hardly ever go. The doc said it was ok. He said if I wanted, I could take some milk of magnesia.
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 24, 2002
Hi, I'm 3 weeks post-op and I haven't been able to go on my own since I got home from the hospital. I am taking vitamins with extra iron 3 times a day and that might be part of the problem. I have been using Dulcolax suppositories every 3-4 days. I called the Dr. but they didn't seem concerned about it. Remember, there isn't much to come out.
   — Jennifer Z.

February 24, 2002
I wouldn't worry about this too much, because it takes some time for things to adjust. I recall my earlier days when I wasn't making frequent BM's, infact, I would only make one every two weeks or so. It is alarming at the time, however, now, at 7 months out, they are very regular again. It works itse'f out in due course. :)
   — Kee D.

February 24, 2002
Every 3-4 days has been "normal" for me from the beginning. When I'm really good with my water, then I might have one every day. I'm 13 months post op, RNY open, -104 lbs. Also, when I eat more veggies I have them more frequently.
   — Betty Todd

February 24, 2002
When I was at your stage in the journey, I bought some Senokot vegetable laxative, very gentle, and that helped me along. If you're like me, I can't stand not being able to go, even tho like someone else said, it's normal at your state.
   — blank first name B.

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