Major Hair Loss at 5 1/2 months post.

I am almost 6 months post op. About 2 months ago I noticed the top of my hair getting very thin...the past 3 weeks or so..its almost bald, there are totally bare spots and the rest is just stubble. It's only on top of my head and starting to the sides. What can I do to stop this and make it grow back?? PLEASE HELP!    — Becky F. (posted on January 24, 2002)

January 24, 2002
I am holding your hand at long distance. My hair is falling out all over the place. When I shower it looks terribly thin. In Barbara Johnson's book [i think that's her name, " WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY/ AMOS she says it really gets worse [ sound like you're there already] ,but then it comes back, better than ever. Be patient. I appreciate how traumatized you must be.
   — michelle R.

January 24, 2002
more than 10 years ago i was on a liquid fast (like Oprah) with short term success (-125lbs) only to regain and try the fast again (-60lbs) and each time my hair came falling out. It has now been over 10 years and the hair HAS NEVER GROWN BACK. IT'S THINNER ON TOP NOW THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. For those who say don't worry-I wouldn't be so sure.
   — Vicki B.

January 24, 2002
I sure know how you feel. My hair fell out so bad, but by about 8 months it had stopped & had begun coming back in. I did have to cut my previously very long (middle of my back) & thick hair off very short. I'm at about 20 months post now & although my hair's still relatively short (by choice), I think it's as thick & healthy looking as it was before. And it's still growing very well. No one can tell how spotty & thin my hair was a year ago. I had decided I would get a wig if it got much worse, but, fortunately, the loss stopped just short of my needing it. However, there are some truly GORGEOUS and natural looking wigs available & they aren't as expensive as I thought they would be. I have a cousin undergoing chemotherapy & she has two of the cutest, most attractive wigs! They look great on her. I have actually borrowed & worn one of them. That would be my suggestion: don't stress yourself out more than you have to. Pick up a wig & just hold on til it comes back I think it does in the VAST majority of cases. I know some people have mentioned vitamins & other things to slow down the loss. I tried some of them, too, but it seemed to me that mine just quit falling out in its own sweet time. So many of us understand how traumatic & awful it feels to have handsful of hair in the shower drain & all stuck in your fingers. I went thru a period where I tried not to wash mine very often as that's when it all seemed to come out--so I walked around with greasy, icky looking hair for awhile til I decided that was as bad as bald! It is so scary. But even as your hair is doing poorly, I bet the rest of you is really shaping up! Maybe you can take your consolation in that fact & just trust that IT WILL COME BACK. That was my mantra- I repeated it over & over til one day it was true. Good luck...
   — Kathy W.

January 27, 2002
Becky, I'm coming up on 7 months post-op, down 101 lbs, and like you, have developed thinning and balding spots on top. I just got my long hair cut very short. My stylist says that since my last visit, she sees some stubble as well, which she says indicates new hair coming in. What I've been doing is taking prenatal vitamins (I asked my PCP, who wrote a prescription for me), taking Biotin tablets, taking Zinc tablets, and every third shampoo or so, using a Biotin or Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. I can't say for certain that any or all of these steps have worked, I can just say that my stylist reports new growth. I also lightened my hair, which I must say also seems to make is look thicker as well. Know you're not alone and you might want to talk with your PCP about a similar regime as the one I've been on. God bless you!
   — CaseyinLA

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