Has anybody used Drs.Ostroff & Patti at UCSF?

I was told I need to lose 10% of my body weight prior to surgery,if I'm within a few pounds of my goal at the time of surgery,will I still have surgery?Or is the 10% mandatory?Also,anybody have medi-cal?    — Heather I. (posted on December 19, 2001)

December 23, 2001
Hi Heather. I have Drs. Ostroff & Patti. I had a very difficult time with the 10% weight loss, but they are very adament about it. The only thing I would caution you about is the very high probability of surgery postponements. Dr. Patti is a very busy guy, and WLS is considered \"elective\" so we get last priority. My original surgery date was Nov. 9th 2001, then Dec. 19, 2001 and now it is set for Jan. 7th 2002. I have visited the profiles of Dr. Patti\'s other patients and most of them were postponed once or twice. Hang in there though--it will happen. Good luck and e-mail me if you have other questions.
   — Barbara H.

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